[Center][h2][color=00aeef]Milon[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Milon blinked slowly. Well, guess there was a little more talking. Some of them seemed pretty into it. Oh well. He kind of wanted to light up a smoke, but you're not supposed to do that indoors. He heard something about a goddess. What were they talking about religion now? He wasn't really paying attention. His eyelids began to get heavy, and he stretched out his arms and yawned. Could [i]really[/i] go for a nap. Or at least a place to sit down. There looked to be a couple chairs to his left, but wandering off probably wasn't a good idea. Guess he'd have a little more waiting to do. Last thing he wants to do is add to the confusion. He closed his eyes and his head began to hang down. [i][color=00aeef]"Just don't fall asleep..."[/color][/i] He told himself.