[h2]Mako Moritomi//Sadaomi Beach[/h2] [h3]Saturday, August 1, 2015[/h3] [hr] On the train ride home, Mako, obviously, sat next to Sato. Half-asleep, he laced his fingers with Sato's, holding on tightly. He tried to ignore the fact that his heart was still thudding in his chest as he pondered what Sato had asked earlier. He hadn't really had a chance to answer, given that he'd been interrupted, but damn if he hadn't had plenty of time to think about it. What was he planning on doing when he graduated? Granted, he'd have time to decide, but his concern was that Sato would graduate before him. Was he planning on leaving straight away? Did he want to stay in town until Mako was ready to leave? What-- Sato's hand shifted in his, sending the butterflies in his stomach into a flurry. He pondered this, then finally calmed himself down. What did it matter? Whatever his future entailed, he knew for sure that Sato would figure into that. He'd come too far to get this to just give up on their relationship now. He turned to his boyfriend with a small smile, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. [color=0072bc]"I have an answer for you. To your question from earlier,"[/color] he said quietly. [color=0072bc]"I don't quite know what my future holds right now. Except for one thing: you. After everything that happened to get us here, I don't want to give it up. No matter what else might still be coming."[/color] He looked Sato straight in the eyes. [color=0072bc]"I have the grades to do pretty much whatever I want after I graduate, if I work for it. So... if you're fine with waiting for me, when you go to University... I can follow you. I will follow you, if that's what you want. Because I love you. And I want this,"[/color] he said, squeezing Sato's hand for emphasis, [color=0072bc]"for as long as you'll let me have it."[/color] Having said his piece, Mako leaned in and kissed Sato- not the quick peck they'd shared at the beach. This one... was lasting. The kind of kiss that sent his brain short-circuiting and that he could feel all the way down to his toes. Reluctantly, after what must have been days and nights, he slowly broke away from the kiss, smiling at the upperclassman. [color=0072bc]"I love you. And whatever happens, whatever we decide to do... we'll figure it out. Together."[/color] [hr] [@Sen]