Fay is a champion in multitasking. Or so, she’d like to believe. The young woman eyed herself in the mirror, as she used both hands to pull her hair up in a loose bun while she used her toes to put her black shoes upright to slip her foot in. She rubbed her lips together to disperse the red lipstick she had put on and when she was she was satisfied with the bun, she bend down to tie her black oxfords. She patted down her floral dress, as a sort of unconscious act of checking if she forgot something. Walking around the house, she gathered things for in her brown leather backpack. Her brush on the left side of the room, her book on the right side of the room, and her glasses on the nightstand. As Fay rushed through the house, her cat followed her every move with it’s sky blue eyes, while laying in the windowsill to enjoy the morning sun. Fay’s last stop was the kitchen, where she packed her bread and the sandwiches she made for her brother. Lee was already at his guard post. She placed the canister she would be filling with tea in it too, before closing it with the clasp. Before she left, she gave a kiss on top of the cat’s head. [color=#8fbc8f]”Bye kitty cat, be good!”[/color] The small woman put the bag in the wicker basket of her old bike. A glance at the big clock tower urged her to hurry up. She got onto her bike and rode it down the cobblestones towards the school. People called out to her, and she waved as she passed by and weaved around the people walking to their destinations. For a moment, she allowed herself to close her eyes and let the sun rays warm her face. As she arrived on the town square surrounding the clock tower and school, children ran up to her and started running behind her bike. They have made a sort of contest out of it. Every morning, they try to keep up with their teacher as she crossed the square. After parking her bike, she greeted the kids with pats on the head and hugs. Fay always found this to be the best feature about kids. No worries, and immune to the tensions in the square. They just laughed, played, skipped rope and kicked the ball. As if right on que, the clock tower bells rang through the square. 8 o’clock. The children of Fireflies gathered around her, already eager to tell her about their weekend and what they had done. She laughed. [color=#8fbc8f]”Alright guys, calm down. We’ll talk about it in class. Kenneth, tie your laces. Lucy, I think your mother would like to give you your lunch.”[/color] Fay pointed towards a woman that was crossing the square, waving a packet of bread. Lucy ran towards her mother. Fay counted the children that had gathered around her, and including Lucy, she was still missing one. The young teacher glanced around the square, and found the missing child some way off. [color=#8fbc8f]”Emma! Are you coming?”[/color]