[hr] [center][b][color=#8fbc8f][h2]FAY SONG[/h2][/color][/b][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://www.love-sites.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Beautiful-Chinese-Girl-Photos.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#8fbc8f][b]SETTLEMENT:[/b][/color] [color=#ff7f50]FIREFLIES[/color] [color=#8fbc8f][b]AGE:[/b][/color] 25 [color=#8fbc8f][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/color] Teacher [color=#8fbc8f][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Fay stands about 5.1 feet tall, and is often the subject of her brother’s jokes regarding her height. Fay mostly wears dresses, that have been passed along from her grandmother to her mother, and patched up several times along the way. She mostly wears her hair loose, or in a bun when she’s teaching. She has reddish lipstick on, the product of her grandma’s homemade lipstick recipe. It has become her signature look. [color=#8fbc8f][b]FAMILY:[/b][/color] Fay lost both her parents during a Roaches raid when she was 10 years old. Her brother, kind and caring, took care of her, even though he was just 16. It forced him to go full time into the Guard, and that often left Fay to her own devices. Luckily, she had Sky, a cat from a nest of one of the settlers. Lee was the father figure in her life, and she looks up to him. Quite literally, since Lee stands about 6.4 feet tall. [color=#8fbc8f][b]RELATIONSHIP STATUS:[/b][/color] Single [s]much against her wishes[/s] [color=#8fbc8f][b]FRIENDS:[/b][/color] Since Fay is one of the three teachers in the settlement, most people know her, as either a peer or the teacher of their kids, brothers or sisters. Her best friend in the world [s]besides Lee, sorry Lee[/s] is her maine coon cat Sky. [color=#8fbc8f][b]HOBBIES:[/b][/color] Reading, taking walks with Sky, tutoring children of the settlement. She is also know to fix up clothes of her fellow settlers, and owns an old sewing machine. [color=#8fbc8f][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/color] Fay was always know to be outgoing and a friend to everyone. Some may call her ignorant or naive, others call her positive and good willed. Some blame it on being raised without a mother, same blame it on being raised by a brother. In either case, Fay is known around the settlement. Either for her laugh, her rattling bike she rides to the school or her red lips. She grew up in a small house in the Fireflies settlement, along with her brother and cat. Lee was the one that raised her. The way Lee taught her how to read and how to ride the old rusty bike they have, Fay began to develop a passion towards teaching. There was just something so satisfying about the way people can teach and learn. After she graduated from the basics school at 15, she started to learn from Mrs. Mills how it is to be a teacher, by being a teacher’s assistant. Since such a job wasn’t enough to pay for her expenses, she worked at night at [b]The Damn Pub[/b]. Fay is always and never ending thankful towards Aloys and Liane, whom are like second parents to her. After Mrs. Mills passed away, Fay took over the classes at the school and started teaching fulltime, leaving her job at the pub but jumping in during busy times. Even though the petite girl always smiles, she lately worries about her brother in the Guard. The tension in the air has become noticeable after the [i]Lover’s incident[/i] at the dam. Every day at noon, she brings Lee sandwiches at his post. She says it’s just to be nice, but really she’s checking if he’s still ok. She brings a canister of tea, that Lee often shares with fellow guard Dillan. [hider= Lee Song][img]https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.497794371.3356/flat,550x550,075,f.u11.jpg[/img][/hider][hider= Sky the cat][img]https://fthmb.tqn.com/o2bfrJG1XMDG7aYrJNMTyzibPW8=/960x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/25038473_681794915542370_1569672841446555648_n-5a4d46c87bb2830037d31db8.jpg[/img][/hider]