[h2]Current form: [color=00aeef]Amber Levesque[/color][/h2] Amber had just come home after getting off from work. Thankfully, she had an early off and got home around 4 pm. She kicked off her shoes and jumped on the bed. After taking a 3 hour nap, she saw that it was 7 and opened up her laptop. She booted up Goggle Silver and passed the time until her favorite show came on by watching some Crispyrail. Before she knew it, it was 10 and she turned on her TV. The channel was tuned to Mystery Channel from a couple of days ago when she had been binge watching some random show. She tuned it to Geek and Sundry and waited for her favorite show to come on. Just as it was starting, it was interrupted by some signal. [color=00aeef]”Ah, come on! What the hell!”[/color] She lunged for her phone and managed to get a shaky video of the event. Amber looked over the video and noticed a string of numbers. She ran them through an a1z26 decrypter and left as soon as she figured out what the riddle meant. Current form: [color=fff200]Dr. Wattz[/color] Amber drove up to near the wind farm and parked it. She got out, popped open the trunk, and grabbed her pipe and shotgun attachment. She slammed the truck shut and started walking toward the wind farm. [color=fff200]”This had better be fuckin’ worth interrupting my Critical Role…”[/color] As she approached the gate, she looked around. There was a sign that read, “Danger! High voltage!” and after inspection, it was, in fact, high voltage. Amber just climbed it anyway. [color=fff200]”Aight, I’m here! What the fuck was so important that you needed to hack the tv channels?”[/color]