[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xkJVogV.png[/img] [color=ed145b][h3]~Isabella~[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [color=ed145b]"A-ah wait-!"[/color] Before she could stop Zevra, she had already begun singing. Isabella's heart felt like it was in her throat already, anxiety building as seconds dragged into hours. She was going to mess this up, wasn't she? She was going to make a mess of things, likely stumble over her words and her voice wasn't that pretty to start with. It was likely made a bit more awkward by the fact her face didn't betray any of her anxiety as usual, just giving them her usual impassive neutral expression as she held her hands together in front of her. It was okay. She could do this. She was the first Princess of the Raerith Monarchy - a bloodline that built a nation, slaughtered demons and slayed dragons! She could do something as simple as sing in front of others! [color=ed145b]"..."[/color] She exhaled, hands relaxing as she let them fall to her side as she began quietly, following along the words she heard Zevra sing earlier. Of course, the other noble was far louder than she was which was fine. It was easier to sing when she thought no one else would hear her. The more she sang though, the easier it became and while she didn't entirely know the words, she made a good attempt at singing along next to Zevra. In fact, she was so into it that she didn't realize that Zevra had stopped and kept singing.