[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180408/1d8f50b03de7e5dd5112e16214657325.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400017729312260117/431934404307189761/image.jpg[/img] [color=a271c2][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] Odyssia Leventis [color=a271c2][b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b][/color] Professor, Sia, Leventis, ect. [color=a271c2][b]Age:[/b][/color] 30 [color=a271c2][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=a271c2][b]Primary:[/b][/color] Trickery [color=a271c2][b]Secondaries:[/b][/color] Levitation and Familiar Summoning [color=a271c2][b]Description:[/b][/color] She stands at the height of 6'0 with ivory skin and bright blue eyes that could give the sky a run for its money. Layered pale blonde hair falls just past her shoulders, the ends having a natural curl which provides some volume instead of being broad straight and a steak of lilac color stands out among the blonde to bring some flair into the mix. She is a slender framed woman with generous curves that are usually shown off by the tight outfits she tends to wear since they are non restricting in combat, less likely to cause noise while sneaking around, and doesn't cause embarrassment during levitation. That said, on days off, she can be found in what others call more appropriate attire for a lady such as dresses. She is never without her tool belt or something to hold all her items. [color=a271c2][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Odyssia is a patient and kind woman that knows how to have a bit of fun and likes to tease others a bit but disrespect her and you might see a side that you might not like. She is not a push over as most think from first glance. She is very analytical and always thinks three steps ahead in everything she does while anticipating what those around her will do. She is a social butterfly compared to most of the other teachers but she has also not see as much as they have and she respects the wisdom the others hold. [color=a271c2][b]Relationship:[/b][/color] OPEN [color=a271c2][b]Skills:[/b][/color][list] [*]Though she is younger then most of the teacher at Marchand and hasn't been in the situations they have, she is a Master of Trickery. She does not always use all of her skills, preferring to lean more on invisibility or changing her appearance for fun but don't be fooled. She could make a building disappear with ease and trick your senses into believing whatever she would like. [*]Has excellent social skills and is usually good at defusing situations [*]Is an unbelievably amazing planner and will take all options into consideration so she knows how to react [*]Is skilled at long distance weapons such as throwing knives, bows, ect. and is pretty good hand to hand combat but could be better [color=a271c2][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [*]Her sensory illusions are only as strong as the mind is weak. [*]While she is usually extremely patient and kind, she will not accept being disrespected which could lead her being more than a little impulsive and creative with her reaction depending on who it is [*]She cares deeply about those she views as friends for which could be exploited [*]She could be better at hand to hand combat and is horrible at close ranged weapons. It is almost pathetic to see her holding an axe [/list] [color=a271c2][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] Odyssia comes from a prestigious bloodline though it is not well known to most and one that was very small in size due to the occupations of being assassins and spies for the council. It is hard to do a job like that and start a family. She was too young to fake her age and join the good fight so she was placed with friends that her parents knew they could trust to keep her safe, leaving to join the war. They never did return and she was left to grow up without them. She doesn't let it hold her back as she was told of the heroic efforts they made like making the enemy fight themselves or sacrificing themselves so others could escape and make it another day. She wanted to make her family proud and trained extremely hard to get to where she is today. [color=a271c2][b]Other:[/b][/color] [hider=Familiar - Maddox] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400017729312260117/432272390618218506/spellcaster_by_silasagnostos-d7sopkk.png[/img] [/hider] [list][*] She is the last of her bloodline.[/list] [/center] [@EchoicChamber] Let me know if I need to change anything or add more