The duel was too quick and blinding for most to gather the details. While Meesei's absorption of Neesei's power was something that dropped the jaws of Janius, Sabine, and Lunise, the horror that was Neesa's defeat was hard to watch, hard to listen to, and hard to smell. Those in the pack were struck dumb by how closely it could have gone the other way, and the sheer hate that Meesei poured into her magic. Sabine would have held on tighter to the Staff of Magnus had anyone else tried to pull it from her hands. She freely let the relic fly to Meesei, believing that she would only need it to defend herself and the pack. But the protests Meesei shouted struck Sabine to nausea. She was back amongst Vile's cultists under Arinette's command. She was ready to flay the nerves from their skin out of sheer overwhelming revenge. She saw Meesei thinking as much and she paled. In disregard to the clear threats around her, Sabine walked out towards Meesei and the immolated Hal-Neesa. "Sabine, what are you doing!?" Janius hissed. "Stay back! Stay with us!" She did not regard Janius' words. She walked forward with a blank, if intense, expression, and brought a healing magic to her hands. She sank to her knees beside Neesa and slightly gasped when her magical energies touched her. "She is still alive," Sabine said quietly.