It was a subconscious action, but Calanon straightened his shoulders a bit at the compliment, giving a friendly smile. "Sometimes I feel as if Brogach teaches me far more," he said, merely half joking. Truly, Calanon often looked to his mount and truest friend for guidance and a measure of how to keep calm and stay the course. "Thank you." He said earnestly. "We have a bond, and I am honored that Brogach listens to me." The Elk trotted to the end of the street, and then took a left. His hooves beat up small wisps of snow as Brogach kept pace steadily. It was only when Calanon noticed the large sign with red hemlines titled 'Hearth and Home' that he pulled on the beast's reins to slow him. Calanon's keen eyes gave the place a once over, and he determined it looked the size and manner of an Inn, and Brogach slowed to a casual halt. The front porch was wide enough for a dozen people to linger and chat or smoke pipes, with various weary chairs one could rock upon. The floor was made of old timber, but still strong Calanon guessed. There was hardly any snow touching the porch, as if Inn exuded warmth. "I dare say you've grown accustomed to Brogach as well," he said. Kindness often seemed to sing out of Calanon, merely by his smile. "We'll make fast friends of you yet, I think." With an agile sweep of his leg, he slid off of Brogach and allowed Rayadell to do the same, and then placed his hand along Brogach's snout. "Wait here friend. I'll find a warm place for you." He merely needed to pull his cloak about himself, and awaited Rayadell to enter the Inn with him. First thing was first. They needed two rooms, and a stable for Brogach. He was certain there was such in the back.