Lysandra von Brennenburg sat in the back of the motorcar her father had arranged to take her to Derbyshire. Her elbow rested on the windowsill of the car, propping up her head as she peered, slightly uninterested at the dull scenery. The first few miles had been exciting and she had willingly drank in all of the scenery she could, noting the buildings and small villages they had passed as well as other manors. However by the fiftieth mile, it all began to blend together in one big white blanket. The driver had been quiet the whole way, he must have had directions given to him already, because he seemed to know where to go without Lysandra having spoken a word to him. That suited her fine, most of the Englishmen she had met seemed to value silence highly, something she respected. Not that she hated talking to people, she just disliked frivolous small talk. She preferred her conversations to have a purpose, a goal in mind. With that thought in mind, she let herself drift back into daydreaming and watching the waves of white pass by. Some time had passed before Lysandra's brain had switched back into alert mode. The large manor house had slowly began creeping into view from it's perch on the horizon. The Adventuress sat up and adjusted her dress. It made her look like an ancient pagan priestess, with its black colour matched with her long raven hair, the bare shoulders, curve-hugging figure and feather collar. She also brought along a fur-lined jacket for the biting chill outside. Lysandra slowly gathered herself up and shook herself out of her dreamy state as the motorcar slid to a stop in front of the gate. It was dark outside as she stepped into the bitter cold and wrapped herself in her jacket before making her way (slowly, to avoid slipping) to the boot of the car. The driver helped her to open it and retrieve her bags. "Thank you sir, you drove admirably, shall I pay you then?" Lysandra inquired, each word causing puffs of breath in the cold evening air. "No, madam, I was paid handsomely in advance, it was my pleasure." The driver answered, tipping his cap. "Very well. Drive safely sir, this weather is dreadful." Lysandra said with a smile. With that, the driver reentered his vehicle and drove off into the night, leaving Lysandra alone with the icicles on the gate and her bags. Huffing in slight annoyance, she picked the leather suitcases up and (with some trouble on account of the fact that heels are awful for snow) made her way to the grand [i]porte[/i] that was the entrance to the manor house. Before she had even set her suitcases down to knock, the door opened and standing in its arch was a sharply dressed older man. Wordlessly, he held his hands out and relieved Lysandra of her burden. "Lady von Brennenburg?" The man asked. "The very same." Lysandra answered. The Butler gestured for her to enter and continued, "Master Cornack has eagerly awaited your arrival, Madame. You are the fourth to arrive. The rest of the group has gathered in the banquet hall. My name is Bertram should you need anything." Lysandra bowed her head slightly, "[i]Danke[/i] Bertram. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My father sends his regards as well." The older butler smiled at the comment, evidently pleased. The woman took off her coat and set it folded on one of the suitcases. It was pleasingly warm in the manor, but not overly so. Alone in the foyer, Lys took the time to make sure her hair was in place and brush what snow remained from her dress and feathers. Her outfit saved, she took a deep breath and began strutting down the hall. Up in the corridor there were paintings of Lord Carnack and various ancestors as well as siblings. She spared only passing glances at the pictures themselves, she had seen many like them in her travels across Europe. In her family's manor there were many portraits like the present set of her own ancestors. Lysandra von Brennenburg slipped into the banquet hall and scanned the room. Sure enough, there were three others in the room. All of which seemed out of place in the ostentatious room. In fact the only thing that would have looked IN place in such a large room would be a large ball, or perhaps a gala. Regardless of how out of place they might look, Lys approached the small group for a closer look. There was a rather attractive Indian woman, whom Lysandra did not recognise, talking to someone she did recognise. It had been many years since she had last seen him, perhaps ten or more. She had last been in her teens when he had visited her father. However her father had expected him to be there and had given Lys a letter to give to him upon her earliest meeting. Though given that he was currently engrossed in a conversation with the other woman, Lysandra thought best to wait and take her seat before thrusting any gifts upon anyone, acquaintance or no. The other man was tanned and looked to be around her own age, though he clearly was of the world. Lady von Brennenburg gracefully took a seat at the large table a few chairs over from the younger man and watched the others intently.