[CENTER][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dqmsYsoJe6LC/giphy.gif[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=6AA16A]L U C A S M Y E R S[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Wednesday, August 15[SUP]th[/SUP] - 09:00 AM | Los Angeles, California | Interacting with [b]Riley Ridgeway[/b] [sub][@Nallore][/sub] & [b]Amelia Payne[/b] [sub][@rivaan][/sub][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] [i]"I think I can deflect it, I make force fields and stuff like that."[/i] The statement, although said quietly and partially mumbled, was enough to devise an expression of confusion, but also of gripping interest. He jumped backward slightly before he pressed his fingers against the frame of her glasses, a little startled by her sudden responsiveness. For Lucas, he never saw any of his issues to be any granted strange ability, but perhaps the two had different scenarios and he was the one that was cursed with the ability to see things that aren't there, whether their arbitrary or relevant. [color=6AA16A]"A visitor?"[/color] Lucas echoed under his breath. Amelia -- the name rang in Lucas' head, not like the booming bells of an old cathedral, but more like a resonance between two things that aligned perfectly, stirring up feelings of ease and trueness. Turning to match a face to the name, he was fortunately introduced to the perfect girl of a beautiful name. Lucas' face took on rosy cheeks and a blank manner as he stared in awe at her glowing complexion and vibrant hair, scanning her appearance until his eyes would meet hers', causing a rush of butterflies from the captivating amber color. Drowning out all the background noise, he didn't keep track of how long he'd been staring at her for, nor if his attention was being requested elsewhere. Within the blink of an eye, a butterfly with beautiful, sizable wings would be seen by each of them to mirror Amelia's amber-colored irises and her radiant hair, fluttering upwards between Lucas and Amelia. It would fly gracefully towards the ceiling until it would suddenly vanish, with no trace or fancy disappearance -- just gone. A sly smirk formed along his lips before shaking his head to come back from her unintentional charm -- clearing his throat, he spoke nervously, [color=6AA16A]"Cool name."[/color] He turned his attention back to Riley to get back to the reality of things, though the escape was much appreciated, speaking sternly he began with all the questions that poured into his mind since their meeting, [color=6AA16A]"I have so many questions -- I don't really know where to start. First, I heard you mention that you make -- force fields? I'd definitely pay to see that,"[/color] he joked before pausing, [color=6AA16A]"And what do you mean by visitor? How did Amelia get here? I didn't even see or feel the booth even move."[/color][/indent][/indent] [hr][hr] [CENTER][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb2zsfYpOy1rt2432.gif[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=A34541]L A N A A L L A I R E[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Wednesday, August 15[SUP]th[/SUP] - 01:00 PM | New York City, New York | Interacting with Emmie Adams[sub][@Nallore][/sub][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Lana related all-too-well with the strangeness that Emmie began to describe. She looked away for a minute to think back to everything and how they all fit chronologically before surrendering to the peculiarities and expressing to Emmie, [color=A34541]"So then we have to admit that we're very similar in the situation, if not, then the same. You seem a little nonchalant about it -- are you concerned or scared at all?"[/color] Lana paced around the room for a bit before pecking at the situation to see what she could draw from it. She took a moment to think before whipping around to Emmie, [color=A34541]"Can you describe the dream to me? Do you recognize any faces, any strange clues that you could give me? I'm not on the case, but I'm drawn to it for some reason -- maybe it's just my own curiosity. I want to figure this damn thing out."[/color][/indent][/indent]