[@Ink Blood] [@Lone Wanderer] [@The Wyrm] [@Dead Cruiser] [@Sightseer] [@Aristo][@Cairo] [@Valor] [@Nieszka] [@DracoLunaris] [@Darkspleen] [@RyanTadashi][@Culluket] Okie dokie- now that I've got that post up, my next post will come tonight or tomorrow and will be a slight flash-forward by a day or so. It will set the scene for the council of war. In attendance will be various NPCs, the verbose Lord Odrosyan and the Drathan courtiers, Daigon Shadow-Caller & various and sundry Coward's Men commanders, Lord Alkhazar and his Faceless lieutenants, Har-dok and other Beast Kings commanders, and our robotic friend Gost and the numerous tech-cultists he's called to back him up. Anyone who should be there that's missing?