[hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmY5ZjIzMy5RWFZ5Wld4cFlTQlFaWEp6YVc1bGRIUmwuMA,,/natyl.demo.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [i][color=yellow]Ready.[/color][/i] Aurelia had been staring at herself in the bathroom mirror for a good minute before she decided she was ready. Well rested, well armed, and soon to be in her area of expertise--battle. There was no thinking of possible friendships or watching the crowd while you're by yourself in a fight, all you needed to focus on was taking down the enemy. There was no need for her to beware the Grimm--they needed to look out for her. She was fierce, she was capable, she was...thinking way too much about this. The truth was that while her head was in the game, she was still a little nervous. Having waken up to the sound of her neighbor's rather loud snoring, she had been thrown off when instead of awakening to her maid telling her that her bath was ready, instead it was a jumble of noise coming from her classmates. The shock only wore off when she got into the very cold shower, though being a shivering mess as she got into her clothes didn't do much for her. She had resigned herself to the fact that things wouldn't be the same as they were in her manor, but admittedly all the new experiences were starting to make her anxious. Which is why, upon announcement that she battle portion of initiation would begin, she was estatic. Of course, getting dropped into the Emerald Forest was...different. Unexpected. It actually took her a moment to realize they had been dropped, the rush of air and the sinking feeling only really hitting her about halfway down. Aurelia watched the ship get smaller and smaller, realizing she was probably going to hit something soon. Looking down, she brandished her staff, her head spinning with multiple ideas on how to get her feet to the ground without breaking all the bones in her legs. As the trees neared, she gripped her weapon with both hands and braced herself as she collided with several branches. She let out a yelp of surprise as her staff got caught on one of the branches, promptly halting her descent. The force of the hook caused the branch to break, sending her tumbling through other branches. Landing on her bum with a small '[color=yellow]oof[/color]', Aurelia exhaled as she looked around. Not the most graceful of landings, but she hadn't broken anything, at least. Getting to her feet, she would dust herself off and take a look around. Get a partner, find a relic, no problem. Right?