If all he was going by was their individual energies, Ryan definitely wouldn't have guessed that Brendon was the silhouette by the lake. He'd grown familiar with Brendon's perpetual strikes of vitality, where it seemed like he had some everlasting battery to keep up with social interaction or creating music or the physical exertion that came with performing onstage. Other times it wasn't so productive, where all the vigour translated into him wanting to do seventeen different things at once, likely forgetting a project once in a while. Ryan had witnessed his hyperactivity firsthand, and now he was even more familiar with the calmer side of Brendon far away in the cabin. He'd set his mind on one task and, even if incomplete, make impressive progress, or appreciate the environment most would glaze over. Ryan was a little reluctant to break what potentially could be a writing streak, but it'd been all day, and besides someone needed to remind him to go to sleep before it was a ridiculous hour. Hyper or peaceful, Brendon maintained the same humor as usual. [i]Need some water?[/i] Ryan grinned, leaning closer to Brendon in a lazier mirror of his movements. He thought fleetingly about making some noncommittal joke about pushing Brendon in, real grade school-style revenge, but then that was daring Brendon to throw it back at him. Instead, he complained, first thing. [i]An hour you could have spent out here with me. I mean- If you wouldn’t- Never mind.[/i] Relating entirely too much to Brendon's quick backtracking - though it was unusual for Brendon, which was a little concerning - and wanting to throw him a lifeline, he nodded in full agreement. [b]"No, really, I definitely wish I'd done that,"[/b] he confirmed in an amused tone, watching as Brendon quickly occupied himself with his glasses. He snuck a glance over again, appalled by how someone could defeat the stereotype by looking perfect with or without glasses, and maybe it'd be weird to voice that involuntary thought. Ryan decided to keep it. It was odd here; they were never even vaguely uncomfortable around the other, generally not that awkward unless you counted Ryan's dumb shyness, but this felt different. Maybe not uncomfortable or awkward, 'cause those both had bad connotations usually, but different. Unfamiliar territory, but he was nervous-excited to explore it. He felt a sort of relief each time they spoke, actually, like a weight off his chest. [i]Nah. Okay, so maybe Spencer and Jon. Don’t tell them.[/i] Looking dubious, Ryan looked over his shoulder. They could probably hear even through distance and walls. [i]I haven’t- I don’t think I could get sick of you. I don’t think I will any time soon.[/i] Ryan's grin of amusement from the worried 'don't tell them' faded marginally, turning into a fond smile, but anyway Brendon couldn't look directly at him either. Ryan was pretty pleased about that, actually, 'cause the usual confidence would just make him more clumsy. With Brendon's head against his shoulder, Ryan felt a little less under a spotlight, more like the two of them were tangled somehow. He wrapped an arm around Brendon's waist to support him, contemplating dumb things like resting his head against Brendon's or smoothing his hair out of his face where some lone strands drifted out, and ultimately decided he'd just keep his gaze on the water. [b]"Me neither,"[/b] he admitted, then, more amused, [b]"It could be three minutes since I last saw you, and I'd miss you. It's kind of funny."[/b] It was, to him - only because if they were being honest, this was probably not the weirdest thing he'd ever said to Brendon. [i]I was writing just now.[/i] Ryan ducked his head like he was trying to see Brendon, interested as ever, and a half-smile lit up his features. Here - maybe this was the invitation. [b]"Yeah?"[/b] Ryan stealthily used his free hand to unhook Brendon's glasses, unfolding then pushing them up his nose in an overexaggerated fashion. His reading glasses, now, evidently. [b]"Tell me about it?"[/b] More of a question than a demand; he knew it was probably not something Brendon was totally ready to share, so he'd be lucky if he got to put his new 'reading glasses' to use.