(Disclaimer: Petulant, due to personal circumstances on his part, is currently on temporary leave and has granted me permission to use his characters to keep the RP going.) [b][u][i]Butter Daisy Forest[/i][/u][/b] The three shadows, titans each in their own right, continued their two-on-one battle within the further destroyed region of the forest, the trees and grounds around them, already seared by the great inferno that was once there, now being ravaged by other elements unnaturally thrown about. What was once scalding hot was now a freezing cold as ice started to blanket the burning lands, the powerful winds tearing apart the hardened trees around them, even electricity, lightning, could be seen flickering in the distance. It was as if nature was at war with itself. As they thought however, the hatted one took a quick glance towards the direction his companions led the humans down, as if sensing that they were fine now...almost all of them anyways. With but a whistle, he called the Bandersnatch back to his side. "[b][color=red]Well now, this Farce has been fun as always, dear joker, but I'm afraid we must again call a draw. Farewell.[/color][/b]" He said to the Black Rabbit, and the two suddenly disappearing in a flash of light, leaving the Black Rabbit standing in the middle of a nature-torn wasteland that formerly belong to the forest it now contrasts, in silent frustration. He knew already why the Hatter decided to leave; it was obvious. However, they could not stay where he hid them forever, eventually they will come out and into the open; it would be easy to erase them all once they crawl out of their haven... But no, this situation with the rebellion has swollen with the arrival of these humans in the first place, and so this must be reported to the queen immediately. Still, he could not let this potential opening go to waste, and with that in mind, he made manifest a small deck of playing cards, a sudden gust of wind blowing eight cards - Specifically the Jacks and Kings of Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs - out of his hand and scattering around him. "[b]My Royal house...come forth.[/b]" He said to no one in particular, or so it seemed. The cards the flew from his hands suddenly stopped short of touching the ground, The cards suddenly faded out and shaded in all of the colors on their card until their backs and faces were nothing more than pure black. Suddenly, they grew large and shifted forms, becoming what appeared to be the silhouettes of eight humanoid figures, each and every one with yellow eyes like his own. "[b]You have seen all that I have seen; you know of the sins the White Rabbit has now commited, and who he brought forth. As soon as they leave their haven, intercept and destroy all but one of them...you know of the one I speak.[/b]" The Black Rabbit said to them. Without a word, the eight silhouettes were scattered across the forest, while the Black Rabbit himself walked off, no doubt heading for the Queen's castle. --- On the way back to the Sanctuary, the two rebels, Hatter in particular, crossed eyes with one of the newer humans, Jacob Wolf. Considering how fast he was going, combined with the way he looked and the fact that the man happened to be on the road the others took to get to his Sanctuary, it was only natural for him to assume that he was some inhuman creature that was following him. For that split second of contact, he noticed two things: First, that there were humans besides him in the distance that seemed to be heading his way. The Second: That the ol' Rabbit titan summoned up his goons and are doubtlessly scattering about. Under normal circumstances, he would guide them all to the sanctum every other human was, personally. However, now that his personal forces were here, he could not risk leading them to it as well. Therefore the only other option, was to leave, and return with reinforcements, the other humans. With that in mind, he swiftly continued his run with Bandersnatch back into the Rabbit Hole. Hopefully, the White Rabbit was done explaining things to the humans by now. --- Tyler nodded in agreement with Arthur as he evidently answered Tylissa's question for him. "[b][color=1a7b30]As he said, I know because I saw the same mirror drag me out from my dream, and I'm certain now more than ever that the other humans I saw have the same story. As for my name: Tyler Blackmore. But that's not important right now. ...Listen carefully, Other humans outside the age of P3 syndrome were dropped into this world just like you two. They were being chased by that monster back there and were led down into that hole over there by a White Rabbit...I don't know the details, but it seems the rabbit was benign, so wherever that hole leads...it's safer than here. ...Or it could be a death trap they were lured into, I can't deny the possibility. Even so...[/color][/b]" Tyler explained to the two, however before he could continue on, something caught the corner of his eye. He looked over to where he saw whatever it was, being sure to get in front of the other two so as to keep them safe behind him...only to look closer and notice that it was yet another human, this one a little more...heavy-looking and so easier to spot, and sure enough, it seems he happened to be walking the same forest path everyone else was, most likely without knowing it. While extending his finger towards the other two in silence, signalling them to wait, he approached closer into the path to take a closer look at the man. It seems, by the look of things, he only just got here, and had no idea where he was walking, only following the path. "[b][color=1a7b30]...Hey![/color][/b]" He said, trying to get the man's attention. He looked around quickly as he did, checking to see if it was safe for the other two, than signalling them to come over as the coast was clear. As soon as he did, he walked out onto the path towards Jacob Wolf, scanning the man from top to bottom for any injuries. By the sheer lack of them, it can be assumed that, like Tylissa and Arthur, he only just recently dropped into this world. "[b][color=1a7b30]Stepped through a mirror as well, right?[/color][/b]" He asked this new man. [@AdmrlStalfos19] [@Godlikeblade] [@Godzillafreak54] -------------------------- [b][u][i]Hatter's Sanctuary[/i][/u][/b] "[i]Oh dear, the stupidity's worse than I thought.[/i]" The White Rabbit raised an eyebrow in response to the naysayers' comments, more specifically the brown-haired man who was comforting the child not that long ago...the child that was always a child, not the one the White Rabbit shot and became a child, an action of which he flat out ignored Luke's complaint about. He already knew what was going to happen, to explain his actions would have been a waste of time, it was much easier for the big man to see it for himself. He stayed silent while Cronic, Snow, and then Luke eventually stated their own complaints on the methods he used. ...Luke in particularly being more "aggressive" than the others. "[i]Rat...That's a new one.[/i]" He thought. "[b]And here, it's considered rude to hide your true self under a such blatant veil of deceit, especially when it's towards yourself...[i]dangerously[/i] so, in fact.[/b]" He then said to Gale in response. He then sighed as he returned focus to Cronic and Luke, closed his eyes, and began rubbing his little hands all over his face at a rather fast pace, inhumanly so, and then heavily cleared his throat when he was done. When he opened them up again, he suddenly had a goofy smile and large puppy-dog like shiny eyes on him, making the little rabbit look less like a walking version of the animal, and more like an exaggerated kid's mascot, staring into Cronic and Luke's eyes in particular. "[b]Hiya, I'm the White Rabbit and I represent Wonderland! I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your dream, but there's a war going on against a terrible queen in Wonderland right now, who's kidnapped a bunch of children kidnapped from your world and keeping them hostage in her castle! Will you join me, the Mad Hatter, and the rest of the rebellion to defeat the [i]evil[/i] queen and save the children? Just know that if you enter Wonderland, you won't be able to leave until it's done, and if you get killed in Wonderland, you'll never wake up. But despite that, could you help us, pwetty-pwease!?[/b]" The White Rabbit asked, in an uncharacteristically, and almost intentionally annoyingly high-pitch, as if he dropped the mature character and just outright became a cartoon, his arms moving around as he spoke before holding them together in a begging notion as he finished, his large blue eyes looking watery. In mere seconds, he returned back to his normal posture, holding a fist to his mouth and clearing his throat, even his eyes going back to how they were before, as if switching character yet again. "[i]Welp, just outright stole her shtick, she's not gonna stay silent for much longer after that. Things are gonna get annoying soon. ...But it had to be done, should just make the most of my time for now.[/i]" He thought as he returned to normal once again, opening his eyes and looking at the group. "[b]Show of hands now, How many of you would have actually, honestly, believed what I just said? How many of you would have accepted that proposition, had I actually entered your dreams and asked you? Those whose hands are still up, answer me with all honesty, how many of you, had you believed what I said and entered here with me, would have done what that man did against the Black Rabbit? ...The fact is, if there's one thing I know for a fact about humans, it's that they're a real skeptical bunch. Anything that is outside your knowledge of reality you render as false, anything you can't understand, you fear and discard. Even after I said what I did, I bet some of you still believe this is merely a dream. I bet some of you still don't believe a word I said so far and will try to escape this world, even when you can't. If pulling you out of your dreams wasn't enough to convince you, what in the world makes you think that me going into your dreams and explaining there as oppose to here would be any different or better?[/b]" The White Rabbit said to them, before then proceeding to take hold of a few pocket watches. "[b]Besides... we don't have the luxury of time. The Looking Glass is only active for the hour of Midnight in your world. To top it off, The Queen has already stolen away a considerable number of children; even now as we speak more children are falling into this world and right into the hands of the queen's soldiers. It won't be long now before she has enough of them together in her castle, after which being stuck in this world will be the [i]least[/i] of your worries.[/b]" He then explained as he started handing over pocket watches to the humans one at a time. "[b][color=yellow]...What the hell is that suppose to mean?[/color][/b]" Adam asked him. "[b]I will explain that later...well, I and not I at the same time. For now, the other questions come first.[/b]" The White Rabbit said, the way he phrased that sentence outright perplexing both Adam and Alice. "I and not I"? What is that suppose to mean? Seems he wasn't going to answer that particular question. In reality, much like with the bullet, he's waiting to let them see for themselves what he means. He looked towards the ones who accepted the situation, who agreed to help him, and sighed again, this time it was clearly one of relief. Then, of the people who agreed, looked towards Hector, Rhys, and Maria, all of whom showed their respective acceptance of the situation...and effectively asked the same question. Maria seemed a little more... knowledgeable of the who's who of Wonderland, and Hitomi seemed to be learning about the situation well enough, so their first questions he decided to bring up first. "[b]We lost contact with Gryphon and Mock Turtle sometime ago... They could still be hiding, but it's just as possible that they were already executed. ...As for Jabberwocky, you need not worry. He is also an ally of the rebellion. As for you, yes that about sums up what we are. ...Now then, to answer the next question all of you have, I need to start off by returning to the point made by that boy there.[/b]" The Rabbit said, first to Maria, and then Hitomi, before looking towards Snow. "[b]Like Time, we also didn't have the luxury of choice; not just anyone can be able to fight in this world, and we needed as many who [i]can[/i] as we could possibly muster, regardless of their individual qualities. Believe me, if we had any say on the matter, we'd prefer more humans who would look more capable to commit to warfare, let alone with more cohesion. But the mirror chose you all because you have what they don't. Sir Sarcastic over there is correct under normal circumstances. The weapons you humans create in your world, and even ones formed here, are ineffective alone against the Shadows, as is your physical strength both there and here. The giant with the vulgar mouth could very well try and follow through on his words, for instance, but will soon find that it's useless...at least in his current state. Point being: Even if you aren't best for each other, you are all the best we have. If you can't work together then we will [i]all[/i] suffer for it. The queen will not take your presence here lightly, and more feral shadows out there will treat you like their prey. You are all enemies of this land just as much as we are, and so we are all on the same boat. You will just have to work around this issue of division.[/b]" The White Rabbit explained to him. As he did, the others would notice as smaller black globs began to crawl towards the Rabbit from behind, clearly coming from the mouse-hatted woman who guided them to this sanctuary in the first place. As soon as they touched the White Rabbit, they seem to phase right through his fur and disappear as if being absorbed into the Rabbit. "[b][color=purple]My ability is not meant to be cuisine, White.[/color][/b]" She told him outright as she finished "feeding" the Rabbit with those things. It seems that she was silently giving the Rabbit the little shadows from seemingly out of nowhere ever since he requested it, and only just finished. "[b]I apologize, Dorm. There wasn't any time to work on mass-producing the chronovoker before the summoning, and I did not expect the amount we got.[/b]" "[b][color=2e3192]Chronovoker? ...You mean these Pocket watches?[/color][/b]" Alice then asked as she looked at the one she was given. "[b]Yes, but they're not just any pocket watch, The Chronovoker is a device that taps into your consciousness and manifest the potential into power, as well as overall physical prowess. In other words, these watches are the means to defending yourself and fighting your enemies here. Using it is simple enough: Open the lid by pushing a button on the side, focus your thoughts into a resolve of some kind, be it determination to survive or defeat your enemies, until those thoughts gains shape inside the Chronovoker, then close the lid back up. You only have to do it once, then the Chronovoker imprints your ego into its glass and you only have to call it out and close the lid again. These Chronovokers are vital to your defense and survival, and as you may have noticed, it takes a lot out of me to create spares, so don't lose yours.[/b]" The White Rabbit explained. Alice listened on as he continued his explanations to the team, before finally speaking out. "[b][color=2e3192]I'll go too. I don't really know about this stuff going on, but if what you said is true, then the consciousness of the effected kids are trapped here just like we are. If we can help them, I wanna give it a try.[/color][/b]" Alice said to the rabbit, him smiling as a result. Adam, looked to the ground, staying silent as the rabbit continued his explanation as he thought about the current situation at hand. After Alice said her piece, he looked over to her and then towards the White Rabbit. "[b][color=yellow]...Very well. If the children of P3 syndrome are here as you say, then I'll help in getting them back....I have to help in getting them back.[/color][/b]" He then said. ...Of course, if he has any reason to believe the White Rabbit or anyone else here was lying, or has shown to do anything to those kids, he'll every last one of these [i]shadows[/i] pay for it. One particular person, a fellow muscular man beside Luke, stayed silent throughout all of this explanation, simply listening to everyone's questions and the White Rabbit's answers, or lack thereof, while he sat on a chair by the tea table. Nevermind the fact that they were apparently trapped in this world with no way out, it was not hard to deduce another situation that could be a problem with time... "[i][color=orange]If we're affected by P3 Syndrome as the Rabbit says, there's gonna be panic in the morning when everyone wakes up. People were fine as it is in the city, since it only effected children. We're the proof that whatever safety they have is thrown out the window. Hope you know what to do, old man.[/color][/i]" He thought. After some time, he finally stood up and looked towards them. "[b][color=orange]...I'm in too.[/color][/b]" The man, Chase, simply said. The White Rabbit gave a smile as the people he gathered started to see things his way. However, he then noticed something going on with the child who asked about the situation, the same one in a panic earlier. There was a dark aura of sorts going around him, his eyes beginning to flow yellow. As he noticed this, the White Rabbit's own blue eyes shifted into a red color. "[b]Oh dear... GET BACK![/b]" The White Rabbit yelled towards Cronic, his normal voice being heard as he expressed concerned, but when he yelled, it was with a completely different voice, more high-pitched, feminine even. The White Rabbit immediately jumped towards Cronic, and pushed him away from Snow before jumping back him(?)self. The dark aura, without a warning, a scream or even a sound, completely consumed the boy until he was completely out of sight in a cocoon of complete ebony. The cocoon thinned out and twisted, giant wings burst out spreading outward, the top of the cocoon opening up like a mouth stretching outward and upward before turning on itself and colliding back onto itself. The cocoon was pressed to the ground before dissipating and melting into the ground. At the end of it all, there was nothing left... "[b][color=yellow]What, the, HELL, was that!?[/color][/b]" Adam asked. He, and Alice both witnessed what happened to Snow with utter horror, Alice in particular holding her mouth as she watched, utterly speechless. Chase also looked in silent horror at what just happened to the boy, then towards the Rabbit that apparently saved Cronic from it effecting him as well. "[b]Mmm....Mmmph...[/b]" The Rabbit groaned, his pitch still higher than it was before. If one was to notice him, like Chase did, they would notice that the rabbit's clothes were, all of a sudden, different. Before, he had a red dress coat over his white body, giving him a look that was as pompous, suave, and aristocratic as he himself believes to be. Now he was wearing a rather...sillier white dress, puffed up and decorated in red trinkets like a clown's suit, complete with puffy clown collar. His single golden monocle was now apparently a pair of round reading glasses, and his sky blue eyes were now red, slowly opening them and, rather uncharacteristically, jumping in shock at the humans she saw there. "[b]Oh dear...Oh dear, oh dear, oh bun-making dear![/b]" She said frantically, as she looked at them, then at the spot where Snow was. "[b][color=2e3192]Umm...Rabbit? Are you okay?[/color][/b]" Alice asked her. "[b]Forget about me, is everyone else alright!?[/b]" The rabbit said in response. "[b][color=yellow]What...I mean, I'm fine, but more importantly, What just happened!?[/color][/b]" Adam said, being caught off guard by this sudden chain of events that occurred. "[b]Ummm...With that boy, or with me?[/b]" "[b][color=yellow]BOTH![/color][/b]" Adam yelled. Uncharacteristically for the Rabbit, who seemed calm and composed even when the others were throwing insults, sarcasm, and threats, The White Rabbit jumped in shock at his loud voice as if startled, pulling down her long ears to herself and reeling back in fear. "[b]...U-umm...That boy couldn't keep complete control over his emotions...It became a shadow and...and it ate him...Losing control here is dangerous, especially for people who already have the potential to use our powers like you guys...and as a result, his shadow...fought back. ...Grrr...I told them it was a bad idea...I did. Bringing untrained people to this world is dangerous. Nobody listens to the bunny![/b]" The White Rabbit said in a fluster. Unlike the rabbit that they came to know, this one was clearly scared of everyone, and not quite as dedicated to the task... It was as if...this White Rabbit was a completely different person. "[color=orange][i]Odd for something like this to have Split Personality disorder...[/i][/color]" Chase thought. "[b][color=red]You misunderstand, Jill. ...It's not that we did not listen to you, we all knew the risks of bringing them here like you have, but the current situation has become to dire to not take the risk.[/color][/b]" A voice said from behind, as out from the rabbit hole came the very two beings that assisted in their escape, the Bandersnatch and the Mad Hatter. The latter clearly the one speaking as he finished his statement as soon as he entered. As the Bandersnatch walked to his own little section of the Sanctuary, the Mad Hatter looked towards the area where Snow used to be, frowning as he did. "[b]Hatter, you're back![/b]" The White Rabbit, known as "Jill", said. "[b][color=yellow]Hatter? ...So, you're the leader of this rebellion?[/color][/b]" Adam asked. "[b][color=red]Yes...I am the one you humans have named the Mad Hatter. Allow me to apologize for luring you all into this predicament. We did not imagine the Black Rabbit would show up so soon...nor did we anticipate the possibility of instability. I assume Peter has already given you most of the situation before he exhausted himself.[/color][/b]" The Mad Hatter said to them as he walked towards the far end of the tea table, taking a seat on the throne he had there. "[b][color=2e3192]Peter...?[/color][/b]" Alice asked. "[b][color=Red]Hm...I assume he hasn't explained his own part in this. ...The White Rabbit is special, even among shadows such as us. While it appears as one singular identity, it is in fact, two identities fused together to form his current self, a male and a female one. The male one that you met in the forest is identified as Peter White, while the one standing before you, is Jill White. They cannot harbor the same body at the same time, so they are always switching between each other whenever possible.[/color][/b]" The Mad Hatter said. "[color=orange][b]In other words, Split Personality Disorder.[/b][/color]" "[color=red][b]I suppose you could call it that, but for Shadows like us, it's more like two shadows are within the same space at all times. It's not really two separate personalities within the same mind; it is much more akin to two identical but distinct shadows possessing the same space at the same time, an incomplete fusion, one might say.[/b][/color]" "[color=yellow][b]So...the White Rabbit is actually two people in one? ...More importantly, a boy was there until just moments ago, what happened to him!?[/b][/color]" "[b][color=red]...Ah, ...it was a boy you say? The blonde one from the forest I imagine. ...I must sincerely apologize. Here in this realm, human emotions are made manifest and greatly exaggerate, as they are free from the subconscious cage that humans place them in often. To have the power to fight in this realm is to have the potential to wield our power, as I'm sure Peter has already explained, so it was assumed that such a tragedy was impossible to happen. To briefly summarize, Emotions and thoughts are power in this realm, they are to this place what life is to your world. An unstable thoughts, likewise, becomes unstable power here. If a human consciousness was to lose control of their thoughts and emotions, then those very same thoughts and emotions shall manifest themselves as shadows, a feral kind unlike us. The first instinct that will come to their minds upon breaking free of control, is to completely free themselves from their host, not knowing what will happen to themselves if they vanish. ...In other words, The boy's Shadow broke free and consumed him, unwillingly destroying themselves as a result.[/color][/b]" "[b][color=yellow]Consumed him!? You don't mean...[/color][/b]" "[b][color=red]...It is as you are thinking, I'm afraid.[/color][/b]" "[b][color=yellow]...The Rabbit, the [i]other[/i] Rabbit I guess, told us that you need us for our potential, that that's the only way to fight these enemies for you guys. ...That kid just died because of it, and you still demand us to take a spin at it!?[/color][/b]" "[b][color=red]We were aware of several individuals in your world who would hone their powers without issue. There have been a record of unstable ones in the past as well, but only one was as naturally so as the boy's, the rest were unstable by artificial means. As long as one can take control of their own minds, so long as they do not let themselves be consumed by their own feelings, such incidents can not happen.[/color][/b]" "[b][color=yellow]You people dragged us out of our dreams into a death trap, and drafted us into a war we want nothing to do with, how the hell do you expect us to just keep calm and relaxed, especially now knowing that we'll be killed if we don't!?[/color][/b]" It seems the other rebels, save the scared White Rabbit, were getting agitated with the way Adam was speaking to the Hatter, as if about to attack for the insolence of speaking like that against their leader, only for the same Hatter to raise his right arm, and just like that, the other Shadows calmed down and went silent. "[b][color=red]I have no intentions of hiding away from what we have done, nor intentions for deceit. Indeed it is true, we did not concern ourselves with who we gather, so long as it is as many with the potential as we can muster regardless of their feelings on the matter. If there was another option to take in this regard, we would have done so. We were...desperate. The Queen has already collected a considerable amount of children, and will soon be ready to encroach beyond this landscape, which will not just be bad for our own world, but for yours as well.[/color][/b]" Hatter explained. "[b][color=2e3192]...If I may, you guys seem really strong yourselves. You seem better at fighting here then we would be...So with that said, if the Queen in question is such a threat as you say...Can't you do something about it?[/color][/b]" Alice asked, careful in her wording so as not to offend the owner of this safe haven and his allies. "[b][color=red]If only it was so simple...We would not be so desperate as to involve such a large group of humans in our affairs were we able to strike. The Queen has an ability of dominance over all shadows of this land, us included. Were we to directly approach her throne, we would not be able to so much as touch her, and in turn we would be the ones open for attack. Humans like yourselves, however, are beings that transcends beyond her dominion; she wields no power over you, and so humans like yourselves poses a real threat to her. Though you are not capable of a direct attack against her or her armies as things stand, you shall be in time. ...It is no exaggeration to say that you are our only hope against her.[/color][/b]" The Hatter said, calm and composed as ever. As he spoke, a bunch of orbs came flying at him from the distant right-hand side of the sanctuary, which he caught with his free hand nonchalantly and placing them on the table as he spoke. Adam and Alice went silent in response. "[b][color=red]Now then, Has Peter told you the current strategy yet?[/color][/b]" "[b][color=yellow]No... He was about to before Snow...[/color][/b]" "[b][color=red]I see... Very well then, I suppose it falls to me. Your first task, once you all are ready, is to return to the Butter Daisy Forest. ...We did not choose that place as your destination in jest, after all. Even if you had the strength to do so, a direct assault against the Queen's castle is nothing short of impossible. It is held deep within the center of Wonderland itself, and even ignoring the royal guard that protects that place, it is an area that is normally impossible for lesser shadows, let alone humans like yourself, to enter on your own. However, we chose the forest because there is someone there who knows how to get to that castle. A lone caterpillar that rests at the forest's center. ...The Black Rabbit has left the forest so as to report about you all to the queen, which in turn gives us some time to prepare and take you there without issues from him. But that does not mean it is a safe journey. The forest is home to many lesser shadows, who would attack out of instinct and without distinction. Worse still, as we speak, some of the queen's better soldiers currently up there in the Black Rabbit's place. But fear not, we have been preparing for this moment for some time. Our carpenter has managed to produce these weapons for all of you to wield.[/color][/b]" The Hatter explained. He then walked over and placed an orb into each of the humans' hands alongside their Chronovokers. "[b][color=yellow]These...are our weapons? So we landed in a place filled with monsters, and our only weapons are a pocketwatch and a marble?[/color][/b]" Adam asked. "[b]Those aren't just Marbles, they're energy in a sleeping shell! Give it a squeeze to wake it up and it'll turn to whatever weapon you want, whatever weapon you feel you can most handle in your heart.[/b]" Jill White said in response. Adam looked at her, and then at the orb, squeezing it until it started to crack, and eventually shattered. The pieces floated around both of his hands, before they came together to form a sword and shield in his hands. Alice did the same, and came out with her knives, both attached to her index fingers via a thread of string connect to the bottom of the knives' hilt. Chase, on the other hand, refused the one offered to him, as fighting with weapons, should he ever have needed to before, was never his style; he preferred fighting with nothing more than his fists. "[b][color=Red]Now, under normal circumstances, we would be showing you how wield your potential with the help of the Chronovokers the White Rabbit provided before we sent you off. ...However, it seems few more humans have somehow got thrown into Wonderland like the rest of you, and have yet to make it here. The forest is dangerous enough for those unprepared to fight with the lesser shadows that reside there. Now that the Black rabbit has sent out soldiers, I have no doubt they are in grave danger as we speak. As such, I would advise your first objective be their rescue from the Forest. Return them here so that we can equip them for the fights ahead, after which you are to head deeper into the forest to meet with the Caterpillar that resides there. Fear not, I shall send you some reinforcements to keep the particularly...troublesome ones in check, should the need arise.[/color][/b]" The Mad Hatter said. "[b][color=yellow]'Some'?[/color][/b]" "[b][color=red]The Queen and her forces have no knowledge of this place...they are aware of the possibility of a sanctuary for us, but know not the way to it. We need to keep it that way at all cost, or we, all of us, lose our only haven to rest. The more we send out there, the more chances they have to track us back here. ...Jill, I am counting on you to guide them through.[/color][/b]" The Mad Hatter said in response, to which Jill White nodded. Alice looked over to the rabbit hole, and then towards where Snow was before he died. She took a deep breath, sighed, and jumped in, assuming it would send her back to the forest. "[b][color=Yellow]Hey! What do you think you're doing!?[/color][/b]" Adam said as he noticed her jump, before jumping in after her. Jill looked at everyone and prompted them to follow as she jumped in as well. ------------------------ [b][u][i]Butter Daisy Forest[/i][/u][/b] The three were all thrown out back into the forest, in the exact same manner that they landed in the Sanctuary. The three then looked around as they waited for the rest of the humans to follow them through, assuming they do. "[b][color=yellow]Well...looks like the coast is clear for now.[/color][/b]" Adam said. "[b]...Be very careful though. ...Even without those mean soldiers, the place is loaded with shadows...[/b]" Jill said, as she looked around in fear. [@rebthewriter] [@CronicCrystalis] [@Crimmy] [@Petulant] [@Duoya] [@Etranger] [@Avant] [@Suku] [@Windstormugly] [@CriticalHit] [@EchoicChamber]