[center][h2][color=a36209]Gwillim Gunnvaldr[/color][/h2][sub]Husband of [color=E3a777]Scyrvensrel Talyrrth-Gunnvaldr[/color] [@Amethyst] and [color=96BF75]Hestia Gristmill[/color] [@eclecticwitch] Interacting with: [color=E3a777]Scyrven[/color] [@Amethyst] and [color=96BF75]Hestia Gristmill[/color] [@eclecticwitch][/sub][/center] Gwillim came back to the present, more or less, as Hestia introduced herself. He was quite glad Scyrvensrel was taking a liking to the gem, and pleased that they hadn't gotten the runt of the reaping. He gladly agreed to the proposed shopping trip, though it was likely he'd dip out for a time and catch up to them before the end of the day. He did not take pleasure in hearing the gem's protests. He kept his hand on Scyrvensrel's should as he bent down enough to put his head just behind Hestia's nearest ear. His voice was quite, soft, and cold as a sudden draft in a barrow, or light breeze in a foggy grave yard. “[color=a36209]If indeed you wish to avoid trouble gemling, you'll not deny my wife again. If she wants to take you shopping, then the only being alive with a chance of stopping her is me; and even I try not to cross her without due cause. If you remember nothing else of tonight Hestia, remember to never cross my wife, upon thy life.[/color]” Gwillim rose back to his full height, careful not to graze the pretty thing with his horns and resumed gently sandwiching the girl between himself and his mate. He noticing that some of the gems were a bit noisier in their complaints than Hestia had been, and wondered how many of them would still be able to scream come morning. He decided it would be best for them to with draw, lest some lesser lordling get jealous and try to pry Hestia away, not that he'd succeed, but the necessary bloodshed might embitter the doomed souls relative into a feud that would only serve to distract Gwillim from his current goals. He turned slowly, using gentle pressure from his arm to tell Scyrven where he was going, without having to say anything. He kept his eyes and ears on the thinning crowd mostly, though he was careful to maintain constant contact with both his mate and their new bride. Back at the Gunnvaldr estate, he and Scyrven were welcomed warmly by the family and congratulated by many cousins, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews, all of whom introduced themselves by first name to the gem bride tucked safely between the couple. Alfhildr danced around the pair not quite sure what to make of Hestia just yet, and though she was a tad jealous of all the attention she was getting. Still, the girl looked so ... fragile. How could she be of any use to her father where her own mother could not? She almost made the mistake of asking public, but, caught her self in time with the aid of stern look from Gwillim who had caught her expression and guessed at her thoughts. Alfhildr recovered by welcoming Hestia to her family, politely, though the child's eyes carried a hint of challenge still. A small feast of light foods and weak, if flavorful, ales and wines was served. Both Gwillim and Scyrven had fights in the morning, as well as one of the older cousins. The family would not risk their abilities tomorrow with wanton excesses this night. Retiring to their bed chamber, a low but surprisingly comfortable bedroll had been made with silk sheets and two down pillows, also covered in silk. It was set at the foot of Gwillim and Scyrven's bed. Gwillim noticed it upon entering the room, and nodded, finally breaking contact with both his wife and bride, as he moved to the corner of his room where the stand for his armor stood waiting. He began removing his armor, talking as he went. “[color=a36209]Hestia, be a good lass and help Scyrven out of her armor. ... Dearest, what takes priority; our lovely bride or tomorrows tourney matches? Though, if my first day of matches was any indicator we could easily be up half the night or more and suffer no loss or harm come daylight. What say you? A bit of fun before bed, or shall we save the fun for when we are away from prying ears and eyes?[/color]" [hider=Summary] Gwillim informs Hestia that she'll find the path of least resistance by obeying Scyrvensrel, notes other gems being less than pleased with their matches, and takes bride and wife home for a light celebratory meal before bed.[/hider]