[@shylarah] There are long range communication methods or whatever in this world. Those engineers most llikely received word of the URA through a transmission from Cero. In any case, we will learn more about the connection between Tsukasa and the T'saraen enclave in Lanostre, but the idea that I was trying to convey is that they are at odds with each other and that the URA is something the engineers in Lanostre might not be totally down with. As for Cillian and Astraea, I don't think they are intensely familiar. Cillian just knows her through her work as a medic in the Seminary and through joint training exercises/competitions. I think the Warbands are named after powerful/frightening concepts, and maybe some inquisitor long ago was a big fan of the seraphs of legend and decided to name their Warband after them. :p