[Img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_At_bTU5NvZA/S_3y0MeTt6I/AAAAAAAAKoA/TtnP5ndIC7k/s1600/Kaya+twin+magazine.jpg[/Img] RYAN LOCKHART AGE CURRENTLY UNKNOWN|HYBRID|FIRE DEMON AND ANGEL MIX POWERS;; -Control over fire. She can create it and manipulate pre-existing flames. -She is immune to allure powers, as well as diseases both regular and magical. -Immune to mind control. -Flight, with her wings, but she has to will them out, and they come out of her back. -Deep knowledge of other creatures, from being part demon. -Longevity, she is pretty much immortal. WEAKNESSES;; -Cannot be in water unless it is boiling hot. -Her emotions are directly linked to her ability to control fire. -She has very different sides because of the angelic and demonic parts of her which makes her unstable. She tries her best to keep in the middle ground though. -Though she is immortal in a way, she can die. OTHER FACTS;; -The demon in her is more prominent, and only the staff knows she is half angel, as per her request. -Her wings are like angel wings, but instead of being white they are black. -She wears a pendant around her neck that is made of pure crystals in the shape of a heart to warrant protection. Her mother gave it to her the first and only time she met her. -Is at the academy because she is having trouble keeping herself on her own middle ground, as both her angelic and demonic sides are fighting for control. -She often keeps to herself, and is rather knowledgable on many of things. *~*~*~* [Img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y2cGpvKjjYg/SzYgasvR6BI/AAAAAAAAhpM/DMq4Xdhw7Ec/s400/andrewcoopermq4.jpg[/Img] BEAU RIVERS EIGHTEEN|LYCANTHROPE POWERS;; -Shape shift into wolf form. -Enhanced senses. -Quick relexes. -Excellent hunting skills. -In tune with nature. WEAKNESSES;; -Can't control his shifting when angry. -Heightened emotions. -Wolfsbane. -Silver. -Can't stop full moon transformations. OTHER FACTS;; -He has anger issues. -Is in line to be the Alpha of his pack. -He is lycanthrope, but he is technically a hybrid because his mother is human. -His brother is attending the academy as well, but they don't associate much. -He is a ladies' man.