1. [b]What is the book you recommend to about everyone[/b]? [indent]I'm not usually a Stephen King fan. I don't enjoy most of his work. However I have to recommend [i]The Stand[/i] to everybody, no matter what genre you're a fan of. It's a lengthy read, over a thousand pages. But I've read it twice and it's just a compelling, entertaining masterpiece of fiction imo.[/indent] 2. [b]What are your top 5 favorite books you've read[/b]? [list] [*][i]Sea of Swords[/i] by R.A. Salvatore [*][i]I Am Legend[/i] by Richard Matheson (A brilliant piece of science fiction. I like the movie but it is [u]no[/u] representation of the book.) [*][i]Gotrek & Felix: Beastslayer[/i] by William King [*][i]The Loch[/i] by Steve Alten [*][i]Swordmage[/i] by Richard Baker [/list] 3. [b]Top 5 authors[/b]? [list] [*]R.A. Salvatore [*]Gave Thorpe [*]Robert Jordan (for some of his work) [*]William King [*]Graham Mcneil [/list] 4. [b]Worst book you've ever read[/b]? I usually don't read books that don't catch my fancy, but I was sort of interested in [i]Blood and Iron[/i] by Jon Sprunk and decided to pick it up as a new book to try and get into. But honestly, while the beginning part of the book was interesting and well described, and the magic system was fairly neat, the story could have been better and the writing got worse as the book progressed. I honestly just finished it because I felt like I needed to, and the plot was just okay enough for me to finish it. I thought the protagonists, particularly the main one would be interesting. But he was just generic tbh. Every woman was hot as fuck and the hottest women wanted to sleep with the very generic main character who happened to be special. Those parts were lol worthy. 5. [b]What book seemed really popular but you didn’t like[/b]? The Harry Potter series. I like the movies and I know the books well enough to get some of the jokes and talks, but I always felt the books themselves were a bit too...I don't think childish is the right word. I guess light hearted for me. Every year in school the other students would read Harry Potter if it was on the summer reading list and I was too busy reading Warhammer 40k or D&D novels. Honorable mention to Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind, and any Brandon Sanderson novel. 6. [b]What five books have you always wanted to read but haven’t got round to[/b]? [list] [*][i]Eisenhorn[/i] [*][i]Hammer's Slammers[/i] [*][i]Annotated Elminster[/i] [*][i]The Art of War[/i] by Sun Tzu (I fancy myself a pretty good military historian, and I think it's sheer stubbornness I haven't picked this up yet. Though I've seen documentaries of the work.) [*][i]The Terror[/i] by Dan Simmons [/list]