[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=sienna]Gilbert Summers, "The Hat"[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/11230301/original.png[/img][hr][b][color=sienna]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp (Main House, outside of Room 106) [b][color=sienna]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] The door to the bedroom closed behind him, Gilbert took a second to look into the life of Peter Keystone, both before and after his first death. The tall Emendator closed his eyes and relaxed his brain into a sort of hazy focus, not grabbing to tightly to a series of events nor too loosely. It was the sum of human history that encompassed the man, Peter, and the strands of other peoples' lives that were altered by his presence. In short, Gilbert absorbed the knowledge of Peter's life, all the good and the bad, and everyone that was a part of his existence. Peter was a good man. A decent man. He was noble and brave. Peter fought and died in service of something greater than himself, and left behind people who genuinely cared about him. His life had meaning. Upon the moment of his second passing, whether Peter was aware of it or not, he had left behind two people in his timeline who would be genuinely moved. Gilbert sighed. Reading into the entirety of a man's history might be viewed as a trespass. Certainly, no one wants people sifting through their clothes drawers to view their more intimate apparel nor reading their diary, but in this way, something of Peter might live on, within the recollections of an immortal. It was a fine ability, having access to the entirety of human events. One that proved useful in many ways. Accessing the most recent of happenings, he strove to find out where George had gotten off to. The intent was to inform him, if he hadn't gotten the message, that Peter's remains were waiting in their room. It might come as an amazing and painful shock to see him there, and Gil would have spared the man that fate until proper arrangements could be made. To his surprise, he learned that George had already announced his plans to grab a shovel from the Mill and get to digging Peter's grave. He stood idly for a moment, caught between his responsibility to the new Paradoxes in his tour group and his desire to assist George properly inter his friend. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=indianred]James Grady[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/i56LZR/Blackjames.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=indianred]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp (Yard just outside of the Kitchen House) [b][color=indianred]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] [color=indianred]"Well, don't that beat all?"[/color] muttered James, looking up at Alexandra, who had decided to join them out on the grass. "Pig Man" was not exactly the superhero alter ego that he was hoping for, and in fact if that was used in his presence more often, James was pretty sure that he was going to murder someone [i]else[/i]. In some small way, he was probably glad that his misadventures with shifting into a wild boar unexpectedly brought someone joy, as Lord knew he wasn't amazingly happy with it. Suffice it to say, he did not accept the hand up. James did respond to Alicia though. He looked over to his good friend from his previous life, mulling over words. Oh indeed, James was familiar with what a wild boar could do. Nasty buggers sometimes, and smart to boot. As for the other half of her sentence: [color=indianred]"If'n I knew Fairy was a possibility..."[/color] he said, shrugging his shoulders. He slowly pushed himself from the ground, very glad to see hands in front of him and not hooves. [color=indianred]"An'a [i]hells[/i] yeah, I been screamin' bout a drink since we got here!"[/color] he added. The previously porcine blackneck looked to Alexandra and nodded back to the Kitchen House. [color=indianred]"Might wanna see to your friend."[/color] he started, noting Faith's near fully transparent appearance, [color=indianred]"Somethin' up with her skin."[/color]