[B][center][h2]Paige Kennedy[/h2][/center][/b] The last one was the clencher. The partly cloudy feeling that started happily in the back of her head was now a full-on drunkerstorm. Usually sake wasn't quite so potent against her, but somewhere she realized she had indeed lost count and she was starting to feel like her face was sliding off. The meal hadn't done a lot to soak it up and she could feel her eyes slightly glazed as well. [I]Paige, you are drunk[/i]. Some internal voice shouted from what felt like a distant island in the back of her mind. Thoughts were becoming harder to link together coherently, but the next voice was firm and clear like a shotgun blast: [i]Dear God, Jesus, please just don't let me throw up[/i]. She had little doubt that he could see it. Getting trashed right out of the gate hadn't been exactly the way she envisioned the night going. Maybe he was right. Maybe she needed a release more than she knew. Listening to him talk gave her a light smile again and she stroked her braided hair with one hand. She loved being complimented and her thoughts swirled. [I]That's right, Milo-boy... [/i]One voice started.. [i]You couldn't do it everyday, but I can, because I'm fucking awesome[/i]. Another piped in right behind: [i]Don't be such a bitch, Paige[/i]. She blinked a few times. [I]Aww, he's being sweet to us again[/i]. Looking back over at him, she suddenly had a look as if she'd come up with some extraordinary idea and then forgot it all a split second later. "I really wanna go do something else," She said thoughtfully. "...But I'm kinda drunk." She spoke as if she were commenting on the weather. He had a silly little grin on his face which told her he was starting to feel the effects some himself. She was pleased she was able to keep up with him that far and still be able to stand, [i]hopefully[/i]. "I'm taking off work tomorrow..." She said, momentarily losing track of the rest of the thought. She was starting to say something else, when she felt her phone vibrating in her purse. [B][i]Sio - slide to answer[/i][/b] She was aware enough to know that she was not aware enough to carry on a logical phone conversation and aside from that, answering a phone call at dinner was rude, or at least where she came from it was considered rude. She fired a text back surprised at how swiftly her fingers still worked over the phone's screen. [B][i]At dinner, what's up?[/i][/b] [@Almalthia][@RoccanIronclad]