[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5mNzY3MmIuUlhwbGEybGxiQ0JDY21Ga2VRLCwuMAAA/jakobs-handwriting.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.gifer.com/6QVP.gif[/img] [color=f26522]LOCATION[/color] — [color=f26522]JAVA CAFE.[/color] [color=f26522]INTERACTING WITH[/color] — N/A.[hr] Zeke was the guy that they called in when [i]no one else[/i] would pick up a shift. He was trusty, he could be counted on, at least that's what his boss kept telling him. Working as a barista wasn't hard, and it was infinitely better than working with his parents. He heard enough of his dad barating him about [i]college[/i] and [i]real jobs[/i] when he was at home. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to hear it at [i]work[/i]. Work was the only place where he didn't have to hear [i]anything[/i] about his choices, save for a few concerned elderly types. The Java Cafe was his escape. As long as he was there, he was just the nice barista that was in need of a haircut. Nobody questioned him about [i]when he'd go to college and make something of himself[/i] or [i]why he wouldn't just get a real job[/i]. It was peaceful. He liked the patrons, he liked the coffee, and he liked the atmosphere. As long as he was here, this was [i]his[/i] domain. The cafe would be busy today, he could sense it. All of the approaching festivities meant that there would be a hum of excitement through the square. The teenagers would be planning the trouble that they could get into, the kids would be out buying sparklers and the adults would be trying to polish up the perfect shindig. He knew that his parents had already gone over the top with decorations. He was really only excited for the fireworks, though the food was a bonus. He loved to watch the fireworks, they were one of the only things that made this holiday worth it. He liked to find somewhere with a good view and watch the colorful explosions overhead, it usually gave him time to think. Maybe he'd sneak a beer or two from under his parents noses, celebrate freedom in style like a true American. That's what he usually did at events. He found some way to get plastered and isolate himself. He had seen the ill effects of him drinking with friends, and he tended to get a bit too friendly with the males. He didn't blame himself for getting a little too flirty when he was under the influence but it was better to avoid it altogether. There was no need to go blowing his own cover. Of course, sneaking off and drinking in excess was getting harder and harder as he got older. His parents were expecting more of him. They might expect him to maintain his presence all night, which he wasn't very good at. Sure, he could be friendly and jovial in company but he knew that the sheer amount of [i]people[/i] would start to drive him crazy. He didn't want to get snippy with a party-goer and have them tell his parents. [i]That would be fantastic.[/i] He could just imagine it now. His father had been irritated with him before but if he ruined a party? [i]Yikes[/i]! For now, he needed to worry about making coffee. Though, making coffee wasn't a very worrisome event. It [i]did[/i] require a chunk of his focus. The order came in from a blond that couldn't have been much older than him, she was pretty and seemed to be having a hard day. He was also pretty sure that she was a Zima, her distinctive facial features and her dusty golden hair were more than enough proof of that. He decided to give her a little extra on the white chocolate shavings, which would bypass the usual amount. [i]Pretentious measurements weren't a requirement but he had a system, dammit.[/i] Give one person a little too much [i]this[/i] or a little too much [i]that[/i] and he might get their coffee back with a specialized complaint. He liked to avoid hearing [i]anything extra[/i] from his customers. He took the risk with her, nobody complained about chocolate. When he handed off the order to her, he gave her a pleasant smile. She seemed happy to receive her coffee and that was good, he wouldn't have to worry too much about her bringing it back in a fury. He'd be pretty much swamped in coffee making for the rest of the day, he didn't really think he had the time or patience for angry customers. His sanity was hanging by a thread with the amount of people that were coming through the door. He kept his smile in place as he worked, polite and welcoming but certainly not enjoying himself. [/center]