[quote=@RyanTadashi] I'll keep looking to see if I can find anything that hits home for Mantid better and replace it. I was thinking that the Orchid Home would lie at the foot of Mount Dagoth. Let me know if there is any issue with this; if not I'll put it into the lore sheet and post in characters, thanks [hider=Orchid Home Location][img]https://i.imgur.com/9ki8K13.jpg[/img][/hider] [/quote] No issues! Will add to the map later this week. As I mentioned in the OP, the Union and the Aboriginals sortve exist in parallel throughout the same territory, and many of the nyr'kiin sell their excess population to the Union as slaves, and there are 'bug districts' in most major cities of the Ashlands. So that's sortve the milieu you're operating in, cant wait to see what you come up with.