High above the street, perched on the edge of a rooftop, a Digimon watched the proceedings with some interest. Keen eyes followed the fight, peering through the slated visor of his helmet, as the Digimon and even one human from the café leapt into action. The crowd gathering outside the restaurant had been enough to grab his attention at first, so little seemed to happen in this city that anything out of the ordinary seemed noteworthy, but when the mob had begun to disperse his interest had gone with it. Then everything happened. The fight erupted suddenly, one second a wave appeared from nowhere to wash several people down the street and then before he knew it a full scale battle had begun. Several Digimon burst from the café to alternately save people from the flood and attack the Digimon responsible; one human even appeared on a rooftop nearby to attack with some thrown object. How lively. [color=0076a3]“Sir. Sir!”[/color] The Digimon turned his head a fraction, far enough to see the newcomer out of the corner of his eye. A large floating gear with a face flanked by two smaller gears approached cautiously, the two smaller gears fretting together in nervousness. [color=aba000]“Yes, what is it?”[/color] The Hagurumon would have gulped were it possible for a machine to do so. [color=0076a3]“I-it’s the Digidestined sir. The Di-Digidestined are in the city.”[/color] He turned away from Hagurumon dismissively. [color=aba000]“Yes, I noticed. I believe a couple of them live in the city. The rest travel around as they please.”[/color] [color=0076a3]“Bu-but they are all together this time. And… and they have Yukarumon with them.”[/color] Hagurumon flinched when the larger Digimon spun to face him. [color=aba000]“So the little saviour has returned. Yes, that is noteworthy.”[/color] Returning to the rooftops edge, three-clawed, armoured feet gripped the concrete hard enough for it to crumble as the Digimon leaned forward to get a closer look. Yes, they would be Digidestined; they had responded to confront the wayward Digimon as soon as they saw what was going on. While everyone else was fleeing in terror they had attacked. [color=aba000]“Pass this information along to the others. Make sure the General hears of this. Yes, I will stay and keep an eye on them.”[/color] The nervous Rookie wasted no time in leaving, quickly hovering over to the opposite edge and dropping down into the alleyway below with a distant crash. It was almost nostalgic, watching the Digimon fight below; it reminded him of the war. The Digidestined were so eager to save everyone, yes, just like the soldiers they used to be. Just like… heroes.