[hr][center][b][color=#8fbc8f][h2]Frankie Cabrera[/h2][/color][/b][/center] [hr] [color=#8fbc8f][b]SETTLEMENT:[/b][/color] [color=#468499]Fireflies[/color] [color=#8fbc8f][b]AGE:[/b][/color] 19 [color=#8fbc8f][b]OCCUPATION:[/b][/color] Medic & Herbalist [color=#8fbc8f][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] For the most part, she is quite introverted, and tends to keep her distance from social engagements as much as possible, unless it is with close friends she trusts. Some see her as rather quirky at times, and others are just confused by her appearance, as those who may not know her that well, aren’t sure if she is a girl or boy. Relationships were few and far between, but that’s how she liked it, not allowing others to get too close and keeping herself busy enough not to worry about such things. [color=#8fbc8f][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Standing at just under five feet, Frankie doesn’t mind the fact that her smaller, petite stature keeps her hidden in plain sight and being rather on the androgynous side, she leans toward gender neutral and simple wardrobes, especially those that don’t draw unwanted attention. She keeps her dark hair short most of the time, except during those hot months where she may shave her head completely just so she doesn’t have to fuss with it. Generally she is seen with a small leather satchel hung on her shoulder, used mainly to hold various flora utilized in medicines. [color=#8fbc8f][b]FAMILY:[/b][/color] Family within and out of the settlement [color=#8fbc8f][b]RELATIONSHIP STATUS:[/b][/color] Single [color=#8fbc8f][b]FRIENDS:[/b][/color]For the most part, her friends (or those that stick around long enough that she might consider a “friend”), are the Engineers -from both Fireflies & Water Leaf- for the the simple fact that they are the most accident prone within the settlement and she’s developed a healthy rapport with many. [color=#8fbc8f][b]HOBBIES:[/b][/color] She balances the hectic life of “saving lives” by enveloping herself with artist endeavours, or practicing Yoga to keep her mind and body in tune. [color=#8fbc8f][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/color] “The best doctor is the one you run to and can't find.” Frankie had heard that phrase more times than she’d ever wanted to, as it was a silly joke passed down from her late Grandfather who was one of the first (and busiest!) medical professionals in her family, even prior to the world going to hell. Of course, with many jokes, there was always some truth and wisdom attached to it, and something that hadn’t been overly apparent to the young girl until her late adolescence: The world just seemed to be full of sick people! Growing up as an only child within the Fireflies settlement seemed to put more pressure on her than she’d expected, especially when it came down to her mother and father passing the “medical torch” to their kid. Of course the only problem with that was Frankie didn’t want anything to do with it. At an early age, she’d loved architecture and building, admiring the steel, glass, and stone structures in and around the settlements, hoping to one day become a builder herself. When not going through the typical academics of school, she would escape onto vacant rooftops or even the confines of the dam, spending hours drawing up mock plans of structures that she dreamed could make things better for the settlement. However, her parents had a different path for her to travel, and basically laid down one guilt trip after another on the last of their bloodline until she’d caved and decided to become an apprentice to her father, who was unfortunately falling into serious illness himself from years of smoking tobacco. Several months had gone by, and while tirelessly studying to become a medic wasn’t taxing enough, her father had passed away in the night after battling emphysema, leaving a rift in the girl’s heart that not only her mother could heal right away. The irony of fixing everyone else, was that she found it the most difficult to fix her own issues, but fortunately friends within the community came together to help as best they could. Even after that horrific day of the “Dam Accident”, she cared very little for the petty bickering between both the Fireflies & Water Leaf crews, but rather doing her best to help those that needed her medical knowledge and skills, no matter what side they may be on...