[@Girlie1Bomba][@Astarael42][@Dusty][@ShwiggityShwah] Hi hullo hihi good to see ya! Thank you, you all are awesome! :D [color=gray][quote=@Astarael42]I'm interested depending on posting frequency desired. I also travel a lot and sometimes am unable to post all that frequently though I'm happy to have my character moved along, lost to be found later, or in limbo if needed. [/quote][/color] [indent]No worries about posting frequency! In the beginning things may tend to go pretty fast, but after a few rounds it'll generally even out to a full round / mod post every 2 weeks or so (after everyone's had a chance to post their stuff and respond to each other). If you miss a round or two we'll totally just assume you're tagging along and you'll be free to jump back in as if nothing happened. ;)[/indent] [color=gray][quote=@Dusty] I'm intrigued as well, though I must ask, will there be a rules in regards to the type of mystical creature were allowed to create? Or is it open season?[/quote][/color] [indent]Go nuts! For reference, I once modded an RP where a PC was literally a sentient bag of trash and bones ... and it was pretty great. This is advanced forum, so I totally trust you guys on this front.[/indent]