[img]https://images2.alphacoders.com/204/204272.jpg[/img] Welcome 40k enthusiast one and all! I am looking for a few brave Aeldari souls to answer a call to action from our Craftworld's honoured seer council. To the Mon'keigh the calendar year is M39 .376 and a new founding their destructive super warriors has been announced by the petty lords of their home world. And the Impulsive Imperium is expanding its sphere of influence with a wave of revitalization Both expanding and securing their holdings in the stars. One such expansion is the Onara Crusade. Launched to conquer a new, unclaimed sector of space in the great galaxy. Hundreds of ships are gathered, millions of imperial guardsman, mechanicus hosts and even several space marine companies have gathered together to launch a spearhead into what will become the future 'Sector Onara' within the Imperial boundaries. Normally this isn't something the Aeldari would concern themselves over, much less do anything to prevent. Even if the entire craftworld mobilized they would be overwhelmed by the size of the Imperial crusade. And thousands of Eldar lives would be wasted. The reason the Eldar even care at all is because the Onara sector just happens to home to a number of Eldar maiden worlds. Seeded eons ago by Aeldari Terra-formers to be a garden of choice for future colonies, but more importantly ripe with potential spoils of war to be looted by the Imperium. Ancient artifacts to valuable to be lost to the primitive humans. Who themselves are likely too stupid to ever truly understand what treasures they may have stolen. As such several concerned members of the seer council have declared an undertaking. A warship shall be loaded with as many volunteers can be found and sent ahead of the Mon'keigh invasion fleet to find these maiden worlds and rescue anything of value that may have been left behind by the ancient kin. No seer can say with certainty what may be on these worlds. For their history and the intention of their ancient architects is greatly obscured by the ravages of time. For the most part, the volunteers are operating on little more than the instincts of the seer leading them on this journey, sworn in equal parts to obey his instruction in retrieving the ancient relics as they are to protecting his person. [u][b]OOC stuffs:[/b][/u] The basic premise of the RP and the most important detail. Character creation. To answer a few of the most immediate questions I will no doubt be asked (regardless me me clearly posting it here). This RP is about the efforts of a Craftworld in recovering their heritage before it can be razed to the ground by the advancing Imperium. Because this is mostly a game of speed and reconnaissance than outright warfare, certain warrior aspects and other character archetypes are restricted, because they aren't considered helpful or necessary by the seer council. Which brings me to the hider below, please give it a good read. It will answer a lot of questions you will probably try to ask me. [hider=Character guidelines] I.E the following warrior aspects and shrines are not going to be prominently featured in this RP. Dark reapers, Fire dragons, Shadow Spectres, Striking Scorpions etc. Other eldar psykers are also restricted. The team is being led by a seer who will be played by myself or a Co-Gm. it is exceedingly rare for a craftworld to risk too many seers in one venture. For the most part characters will play Guardians/storm guardians, Dire Avengers and Banshees. As these are the most practical, flexible and common variety of warriors for a charge of this nature. I may, I stress MAY allow a swooping hawk or striking scorpion. But don't bank on it. I am not allowing corsair characters for several reasons, not least of which is the glaring question of why they would be running around with their craftworld kin in the first place. Dark Eldar are also not going to be a thing for this. Similarly I will probably be asked if someone can play an exarch and honestly... I'm not sure. You really have to sell me on it/write an awesome character sheet because they are quite powerful. If there is an exarch character in the team they are likely going to be second in command to the seer and probably there will only be one of them. [/hider] -I am also looking for a Co-GM, Someone to help keep things going in case I get to busy and to bounce ideas off. So if anyone is interested in taking on that role please let me know. -I'm not putting minimum requirements for post lengths or things like that. I honestly find those infuriating and more exclusionary than helpful to an RP (along with being generally a pointless exercise). Just promise you will give each post your best effort, write as much as is sensible, and as detailed as you can manage. Leave room for others to work off your post and please, try to avoid being the strong silent type, or the brooding loner. It's been done before and your just excluding yourself from party interaction. Making it more difficult to pull you in when needed. -Also, as someone pointed out to me as I was working this idea originally. This idea is probably going to get depressing. Because even if the PC's win, its more of a 'limited the collateral damage' sort of victory. Victory is assuming you managed to recover more than what was lost and not too many died during the effort. The Eldar are a dying race and the Imperium isn't going to be stopped in this expansion and we are not going to be taking the fight to them. If the Imperium does catch up to you all than you fight a as a distraction long enough for others to secure what they can and then leave again. There will still be fighting, don't mistake that. But no glorious headlong charges into the enemy ranks to turn the tide of battles or facing off against Legions of Imperial soldiers. Imperial guardsman might not be dangerous but their tanks very much will be, as are their Space marine allies. Try to go toe to toe with a SM captain and you will probably get your ass handed to you. [u][b]Wrap up:[/b][/u] So with all that out of the way, Questions, comments or queries? Please feel free to ask either in this thread or in a PM. I'm open to helping clear up whatever I can. Even if you just want to tell me how shitty this idea is and how much you hate it and my face, give me a PM, honest criticism is welcome. Also please excuse the rough nature of this thread. I really suck at making interest checks.