[img]https://preview.ibb.co/hiiwgc/victorian_study_by_ookamikasumi_d46h6ni.jpg[/img] Ren was just putting the finishing touches on Adam's sitting room; making sure that there were seats and food aplenty; when Adam walked into the room. Adam was far more alert and relaxed than he appeared when he first woke and Ren guessed his master had paid a visit to a certain very special friend in town. Ren smiled to himself, pleased to see Adam looking so much better. He was pleased, not only at Adam's relatively quick recovery but also that Adam had decided to put so much faith in him. Ren had been tasked to oversee the issue of the rogue society member murdering the local clergy, though Adam had given him some suggestions, it was a big first step and he knew if he handled this smoothly more would come. Adam, meanwhile, went into his sleeping quarters to give himself a once over in the mirror. His white linen shirt and dark gray breeches appeared neat and unwrinkled, his pale white hair needed only a quick comb through to look respectable. That was good. He believed in keeping his private life private; none of those who might be joining him needed to know just what he had been up to in his free time this morning. Returning to the study Adam looked around. Ren was hovering, the large man looking a bit concerned that there wasn't anything further to do and Adam smiled to himself. “Sit down Ren” he said softly “you are as much involved in this morning's discussion as anyone else. I need people I can trust and there's no one I trust more than you.” Ren had transformed Adam's desk into a nice table full of breakfast goodies and Adam smiled to see croissants. Ren knew his favorite food. Hardboiled eggs, sausages, smoked kippers, fluffy butter, toast, jam, wine poached pears, and some assorted fresh fruits rounded out the table. He grabbed a couple of the buttery croissants and a cup of strong coffee and settled into a comfortable wingback chair to wait for the others. He wasn't sure who all would be coming but he was not about to stand completely on ceremony and wait for the others; he was famished.