[@King Tai] [color=c4df9b]"Roxanna Black and Kaleem Frazier."[/color] One of the lab techs called. Roxy growled. She hated her full name but telling the officials that was a waste of time. They would just ignore her. She stood to her feet. She wondered why she was being called back with someone else. She figured that they wanted to perform a test of some kind. Tend to one the guy had a power that was different from hers. Which was stupid but scientists liked to do things that made no sense to her. She ignored the man as she followed to what appeared to be an arena of some kind. She sighed. It looked like they were testing strength and endurance. Norms wanted to know everything about the x gene. She knew that she wasn't a match for this man not with or without the gene. But that didn't mean she wouldn't make him work for his win.