Long day boring days were the worst thing ever in the mind of the "Merc With A Mouth". As he sat on the side of a bridge spinning his two handguns around, trying to figure out if he should play Target Practice or take a Dive.. [i][color=ed1c24]*Wait wait why don't I do BOTH!*[/color][/i] With that he stood up, stretched out his arms in front of him and stepped forward. However he didn't fall, someone grabbed him before he could take his Shooting Dive into the Traffic below. [i][color=ed1c24]*Well this isn't fun, who do you think it is? Lets find out!*[/color][/i] He muttered as he turned around, seeing an tall man in a black suit. "Oh hi there! Who are you and do you have something fun to do today?!" He asked still standing on the ledge. [i][color=ed1c24]*Hm I wonder who this is and what the want, oh well as long as it's not boring.*[/color][/i] The man said nothing as he opened a car door and held out a file. Deadpool took the file and as he read it jumped into the car. "Ooohhh Japan? You want me to go there sounds like fun! [i][color=ed1c24]*Do I need to learn Japanese? Hope not it's weird to talk and think in another language!*[/color][/i] So what am I doing there? Do you talk? No? Okay then." Deadpool rambled as they drove off. He finished reading the file but all it said was he was needed to retrieve something. [i][color=ed1c24]*Any ideas what this "something" is? No, hm guess I have to wait.. Oh no... Flying! Ugh this is gonna be sooo boring! Hope it's a Private Jet those are fun!*[/color][/i] To his joy it was a jet, though he had no idea if it was a "private" jet or not. But it didn't matter, what mattered was that the flight wasn't insanely boring... Only a little boring. Deadpool had no idea what to expect when he landed but at least it was something that sounded fun. [i][color=ed1c24]*Maybe this "something" will be hard to get. Or maybe it's going to be guarded by creatures! Oh oh or it's an ancient monster that's been sleeping for thousands of years! I wanna kknnnooowwww*[/color][/i] "Hey, when do we land? Hello? Do you understand? Or do you just not talk?" *[i][color=ed1c24]Guess he just doesn't talk. Maybe if I tickle him! Though I don't feel like getting shot on a plane... Better not*[/color][/i]