Sunny spring days where the cherry blossoms around the shrine bloomed brightly this was a perfect day for the timid child of the moon. Yumi was quite happy today, yes indeed the people of the small village had left some lovely offerings at the shrine from sweet mochi to his favorite kind of lettuce. today was going to be a very good day though he was still stuck in his rabbit form today he didn't mind so much. [i]*I guess being stuck as a rabbit isn't so bad, the people like me and I don't have to worry about scary people in this form.*[/i] He yawned and stretch a little before munching on a piece of lettuce that looks especially fresh pausing only to scratch his right ear with his back paw. Causing a nearby visitor to the shrine to making a noise that caused the timid young creature to retreat inside the covered area of the caged area the people had made from him with inside the shrine grounds. Normal reaction for him, It wasn't that he didn't like people no it was the exact opposite he loved people he was just really timid so even though he may have seen some of these people a number of times, He still acted as if he was just one moment away from getting snatch up by some hungry fox, or hunter looking for an easy mark. Though if that was really the cause he could also turn back to his normal self and defend himself, granted he would probably feel guilty about doing so but if it was survival or being eaten he would rather not die.