Yumi hid the rest of the day in the covered area the rest of the day, mostly because he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes the moon was high in the sky shining it's pale light around yawning a little he stretched out and walked out looking around at the now completely empty shrine. Taking time to close his eyes and listen with his ears he couldn't hear anything but the usual night sounds. So he took a deep breathe and nestle down into some soft grass. His white fur glowing a little in the moonlight almost as if he was gathering energy from it. It was long before he fell asleep again only to woken up by a voice speaking a tongue he didn't know yet. When he caught a glimpse of the person he was quite shocked so shocked in fact that forgetting that there was, in fact, a witness, He changed back to his normal human form. [i]"Shinobi!"[/i] he cried out mostly because that all he could think of what this person was. When he heard his own voice Yumi blinked a couple of times then stared at his own hands than the person in front of him. He looked confused and scared at the same time, but, also confusingly enough for him slightly happy that he was back to what he thought was really him, though he was still quite startled by the stranger speaking a different language.