Neil had been planning on doing a flanking maneuver and opening the hatch behind the Highlander. Maybe use the grenade launcher to take a few potshots behind the enemy cover. But when he passed by the cockpit, he couldn't resist. If his Captain was dead, well the ship and all of those bastards out there would go down too. Wasn't there an ancient proverb about that? It didn't matter... "Lonney, power up the auxiliary." He called, flipping the switches that opened the pipes of the power nodes. He grabbed the triggers and increased the energy of the plasma cannons, causing the crackling ozone to become palpable and extremely noticeable outside of the ship. The AI pipped up. "First mate sir, this could severely damage the ship and destroy the entire hanger. The regulations of intergalactic station protocol states-" "Lonney it's a bluff." "Your vocal patterns relay a 78% chance of you lying to me right now." Neil waved a dismissive hand. "That's crazy Lonney. By the way who the hell switched your voice again?" Neil said, switching it back. Lonney always got so superior on the standard setting. "Fixed init? I can't roight stop ya, sir. Jus' lettin ya know." "I appreciate the advice-" Neil began, but he was cut off by Sayeeda's voice in his ear. "[i]I accept your surrender on standard terms. I'm coming out. Neil, if they shoot me, vaporize the lot of them.[/i]" This gave the pilot a very wide grin. "You got it. I'm a fucking powder keg baby...Captain. Sorry, I get excited." he said, and turned the front view display on. Immediately the 'battlefield' he and Sayeeda had been exchanging shots in expanded before his eyes. Six men hesitantly stepped out into the open. Neil could tell by their body language they were tempted to take the shot at Junebug, but the ominous green glow of the Cannons aimed right at their position caused them to reconsider that course of action. At the fore was a sturdily built man with close cropped black hair and a dangerous, albeit calm look about him. He regarded Junebug with a certain level of both admiration and disdain, though he tried to keep his expression neutral. "So here we are." the leader said. He had a very curious insignia on his uniform arm, but Neil could swear that was a basterdized version of his old sergeant insignia. The men had their weapons down and all of the ones Neil had a good look at showed their safeties were locked in. [@Penny]