[center][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/center][hr][center][h2]Location: City Hall; Sunday[/h2][/center][hr][center][h3]Interaction: Ivan, Romus Sisters, ([@PrinceAlexus])Joel ([@Pilatus]) & Ashton ([@SilverFox])[/h3][/center][hr]Siobhan smiled at Victoria’s comments and nodded appropriately. Then Victoria did something extremely petty. She had Siobhan pay for her own drinks. Nothing says classless like being filthy rich and making someone pay for their drinks while everyone else has a free ride. Siobhan smirked at Victoria as she gave the announcement. Then Ashton had to hug her and that...Ice Queen at the same time. Siobhan smiled at Ashton and Ms Fridgid and decided that she’d had enough. Siobhan stood up and walked over to the bar.[color=fff200] “Let me be more clear. Scotch, neat. Make it two fingers 30 year Glenlivet.” [/color]She watched Joel storm off and handed over six 100 dollar bills and whispered.[color=fff200] “You know what, just give me the bottle. Yes the one you just opened.” [/color][hider=Thoughts][color=fff200][i]Oh yeah I know when my welcome has been worn out. This is why I’m not involved in this life in Europe. I have a gallery showing and I don’t wait around for the bitches to slink out of the woodwork. Inevitable with ‘high society’ which I don’t understand. People like Milo and Paige are better people at least they don’t try and stuff it down your throat. Well I’m not letting them ruin my night. I have a bottle of scotch and if I could find a decent drinking partner then I’d have it made. Joel seemed to appreciate more than vodka...I wonder if he wouldn’t mind chatting...wonder if he could recommend a mechanic for a 1973 Stingray. That is assuming he knows what it is...which I’m sure is pretty safe bet.[/i][/color][/hider]Siobhan opened her clutch got her phone out and read the text from Paige. Siobhan smirked and responded one handed and walking through a crowd.[color=fff200]~So ran into Milo’s little Ice Princess and I think she just might be mad at me. Oh and she thinks I’m a cop. Won’t take no for an answer. Wanna crash a party with me?~[/color]Siobhan made her way through the crowd and caught sight of Joel. Catching up to him she held out the bottle of Glenlivet. [color=fff200]“Care to share where I can get a fantastic mechanic for a 73 Stingray? Figured if anyone would know it would be you. I'm dying to get her up and running again and needed some help tuning her back into shape. Interested in chatting about fast cars? Besides I'd like to get to know you better.” [/color]