[center]Minor Mention:[@Polaris North][@Zyngard][@Jensoman][@Valkon][@Dartbored Fairy][@tex][/center] [center]Interaction:[@Seraphin][/center] [hr] [center][h1][color=92278f]Adverse Effects[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [indent]It’s strange, the things that are noticed while on the verge of death. The taste of honey from Ren’s earlier meal was still present on his lips as he let the kiss linger. Devlin's thoughts on such an insignificant detail had her almost unaware of the other changes to her body until Ren pulled away, at which point she felt the open gash in her side begin to tingle. The pain was subsiding. A cooling flush swam her cheeks. Her vision took focus on the scarred face of her friend. It was true, after all, Ren had the same gift as Mada… or be it something of the sort. While the young musician proceeded to remove a cut of flesh from his arm and roll it into something that resembled a jelly pastry from hell, she recalled the day Mada had healed her broken leg. She had fallen from a ledge while practicing balance in combat, when she lost her footing and fell thirty feet to the forest floor below. Of course, Mada’s gift of healing didn’t involve removing bits of his body for consumption, he simply ran his hand over the damaged area a few times, a soft green glow emitting from his fingertips, and the fracture was healed within minutes. Regardless of the surrounding swarm of undead, her still weakened – yet somehow now elated – condition, and deaths door at her side, Devlin had the impulse to laugh at Ren holding the human flesh to her mouth. But there was no time to waste. She had, in her blind state, held off the onslaught of undead for the moment, but they would soon be returning in full force. She accepted Ren’s offering like a chick snatching the worm from its mother’s neb. Odd, it tasted a great deal like raw pork she once ate while in a desperately famished state, and had there been any gag reflex at all, it was quickly beclouded by the incredible resurgence of cells. She felt pleasure. An intense euphoria exploded through her system, bringing with it a sense of reward that was thought to only come from great accomplishment. She felt powerful. She felt good, very good. Everything was wonderful, including the tickling sensation of the gash in her side, now well on the road to recovery. Besieged by euphoric empowerment - still chewing the cut of Ren’s arm - she took Mada’s sword in hand. The weapon instantly shown with a crimson glow as it collaborated with the workings of Ren’s cells, amplify their effects and lifting Devlin to a state of bliss. Her pupils dilated, her nostrils flared, she screamed out in ecstasy while raising the sword above her head. An umbrella of lightning exploded from the tip of the blade and disintegrated every foe in a thirty foot radius with a mighty crack of thunder. Devlin was suddenly desperate to share her condition with Ren. She grabbed him by the neck with her other hand and planted her mouth on his. Her tongue thrust and danced in his mouth as she shared what remained of his own masticated flesh, while the effects of Mada’s sword allowed Devlin's empowered euphoria to transfer to Ren’s own body. She could feel his power surging, growing, uniting, becoming one with her own – she wanted him inside her. So utterly consumed by her drunken, ravenous condition, she couldn’t help but savagely bite Ren’s lip before tearing her kiss away. His blood was sweet. Her dilated eyes were beaming with purple radiance. Her face was distorted with a grin that was borderline evil. Her sword was shining like crimson fire. “COME!” She yelled, though her voice was unlike her own. It was bone-chillingly grated like two corrugated steels being smashed together. Violet sparks rained from her mouth in a fountain of fireworks. Now she was running. They were headed west. She had taken Ren by the hand; the continuation of contact allowing enough transferal of her power for Ren to keep up with her accelerating pace. They were moving like the wind with an electric shield erect in front of them, casting aside any enemies that stood in their path, and the enchanting glow of Mada’s sword left a crimson stream in their wake. Eventually, the horde thinned to a minority of monsters when the west gate finally came into viewing range, such being the same time the Euphoric High took its toll on Devlin. The balance of life. The last few minutes didn’t even seem real, it was like stepping out of a dream. Her hand slipped from Ren’s as she slowed to a walk, suddenly heaving to catch her breath and overcome with lethargic nausea. She cast her eyes down and saw the sword had lost its crimson radiance, before turning her now sickly look to Ren to make sure he was okay. In the distance, while Devlin forced each step in front of the other and thrust her sword at any monster that came her way, she could see several people had gathered in wait at the [b]west gate[/b].[/indent]