[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180404/c8f498c057a19ea0eae29ed774bc70ac.png[/img] [img] https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55a19ba7e4b0c654f385f79c/55b710e9e4b062ec9c24c37b/55b71170e4b001c1360a38ba/1438061086557/Abstract+-+Digital+God.jpg[/img] [h1][color=7B7BFF]⍝ PRESS A TO BEGIN ⍝[/color][/h1] [hr][hr] [h2][color=7B7BFF]⍝ The Origin ⍝[/color][/h2] The story begins in the United States of America, in a small, sleepy suburban community in Delaware called Green Oak. Population no more than 5,000 for sure, most of the people in the town are pretty well-off. Sure, there are some homeless and some super-rich, but for the most part the town is pretty balanced. Crime is incredibly low, the landscape covered with both flora and fauna, and the people get along pretty well. It’s here in Green Oak that Trapdoor Games was founded. Trapdoor Games was a small, indie game company that made it big off their last project. They announced their first major game 3 months before this tale begins, and to thank the people of Green Oak for supporting them, they announced they would give 6 Green Oak teens access to the demo version of their new game, [i]Icon[/i]. Trapdoor was highly secretive about this project, and nobody knew a thing about the plot of the game, or anything about it, really. And so, 6 randomly selected teens that attended GOHS (Green Oak High School) received a copy of the game. When they plugged the game into their Z-Box (I’m sorry), however, nothing happened. Just a blank screen. The 6 of them assumed that they had just been screwed out of the demo, but nobody bothered to report it. It was, after all, a free demo. It had cost them nothing but a minute of their lives. [i]Or so they thought.[/i] When the 6 went to sleep later that night, they would enter a dream. At least, what they thought was a dream. But dreams generally aren’t so vivid. And dreams generally don’t have 5 of your other classmates also saying that this peculiar world, which looked like some sort of ancient Greek city like Athens, was also a dream. And the same dream, with the same people, certainly didn’t happen [i]every. Single. Night.[/i] The 6 soon found that every time they slept, they were transported to this fantasy world. They also soon found that this was likely the doing of the demo game that all received, in some way or another. And lastly, they also found that each of them, while in this world, had the power of a god. That is the power of Icon, a game where you are the god, but this special version given to the 6 teens was certainly more than a game. It was another universe, hidden away from What will they do with this newfound power? Conquer, or aid? And how will the 6 of them, all having great power at once, cope with each other interfering with their own image of the fantasy realm, both in real life, and at night? [hr][hr] [h2][color=7B7BFF]⍝ World Building ⍝[/color][/h2] [hider=Green Oak] [img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53dd6676e4b0fedfbc26ea91/t/580e79b32e69cf5dc8ffa51d/1477343674561/?format=500w[/img] Green Oak is a suburban town in Delaware, located on Lake Mohasset (not real btw). The town has a population of around 6,000 or so, which is respectable for a small community of its size. With an average low temperature of 45 degrees and an average high of 67, Green Oak is somewhat chilly in the winter time, but it's a pleasant place to live. "Downtown" Green Oak is not a city- rather, it's simply Main Street of Green Oak, where most of the businesses pop up. This includes the Green Oak branch 8/11, a popular spot for students to hang out. GOHS is a respected high school in Green Oak, with notable academic achievements. The students there do mostly well, though school is quite boring. Green Oak is a proud patron of the arts and sponsor of school sports, and has a well-equipped concert band and marching band, as well as several sports teams such as football, soccer etc. to a cheerleading program. Other forms of arts are also allowed by the school. Overall, a nice place to live. [i]Mayor: Charles Buntham, Jr.[/i] [i]Board of Trustees: Michelle Oberon, James Pitchney, Laura Hoss[/i] [/hider] [hider=Somewhere Else] ????? [color=ed1c24]Fire[/color] Fire is both a creator and destroyer, providing warmth, but also destroying land and skin. Those who control fire are in control of both flame and heat, and can subtly manipulate the tides of war. [color=00aeef]Water[/color] Water is a rejuvenating element, associated with grace and life. Those who control water are in control of both water and ice, and can manipulate the weather. [color=a36209]Earth[/color] Earth is the land we stand upon, and thus provides foundation for everything that is done. Those who control earth are in control of both the land itself and nature, and can manipulate fauna and flora. [color=7bcdc8]Air[/color] Air sustains life. Without air, nothing could live, no matter how beautiful the Earth is. Those who control air are in control of both the content of air and the winds, as well as influencing natural disasters. [color=fff200]Light[/color] Light grants vision, true, but it goes deeper than that. Light is a representative of morality itself. Those who control light control the light and darkness of Earth, as well as influencing people and the choices they make. [/hider] [hr][hr] Yo guys I'll get a CS up after we all decide what elements we want. I'll take the one left over. [@Noxxis] [@mercenarius] [@baraquiel] [@Sincerely] [/center]