[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 22nd, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard Research:[/color][/b] The bartender shot Mali a look and then walked off to tend to others that were asking for drinks. Wentworth just smirked a bit. "I am rather surprised that Elizabeth would down grade anything but she is hardly the woman to be in charge, she lacks certain nuances of her predecessor," he said in passing as he glanced around slowly. His brow quirking at Malis question. "Oh why strike back when you can just sit back and watch a storm unfold?" Shitstorms were unfolding that was for sure. Maria was down in Mexico, sitting back outside under an old tree. It might have seemed odd but it was Alicias favorite when she was smaller. She broke her leg falling from it when she was ten, climbed it in the cast the next day. Nothing kept that girl down. Back at Queensguard, its own shit storm was occurring. All the monitors had gone down in the place, what ever eyes they had had on people were no more. The phone rang a few times and it could be heard by Mali and Wentworth, who were standing but ten feet from Elizabeth and several others. Crowded room though, so made things a bit harder to get through. "Just a moment," she told those she was speaking with before answering the phone. "Yes, what is it?" she asked. [b][color=ed1c24]A Safehouse in the Deadlight District:[/color][/b] Roy glanced over at Priya and sighed a bit. Reaching up he rubbed his face and then stood himself, shutting the screen and handing the lap top over to his new partner. "Listen, we should take a walk," he suggested before glancing over at Riley. "Hey, listen, just sit tight a few minutes. Have dessert. There is some cheese cake slices in there and some cookies. " He didn't like the idea of brushing Riley off right then but felt he had to have a moment with Priya and it was safer for two cops to be walking around outside who were fully trained than an easily to spot celebrity who just learned how to handle a gun that morning. Well at least safely. She had killed someone less than a year ago but that was one of those do or die scenarios. "Come on, want to tell you a few things," he said as he stepped over to the door. It was time to fill in his Partner on more shit than she was aware of yet. Stepping outside he lit up a cigarette and took a long puff while he waited. This was going to be interesting to explain. He just hoped it went as well as him telling Rogue.