[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBiNDZmZS5RbXgxWlNCTGFYTnRaWFEsLjA,/hakyt.demo.png[/img] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/6927fm.png[/IMG][/center] The Church of Kaher was not a place Kismet found herself particularly wanting to visit, especially when it made herself appear lesser than those of another order. However, the people there, from what she had heard, were kind and reasonable. It was easily the best place to go in order to look for directions. Not to mention, it towered over a great many other buildings... Oddly, it seemed the crowd only began to thicken on her approach - onlookers watching or listening in on something. Though they kept their distance, it made the streets difficult to traverse, at least to a small extent. There were others headed from beyond the church towards the town square, but she found her way there, eventually. A noble passed her by, apparently in quite the sour mood - definitely not paying her any attention. As she removed her gaze from the noble her eyes fell upon a familiar red dragonborn, standing before a pristess and another noble, with a couple other faces scattered about. It was always a good day when the two got to interact. The two missed out on a lot of time talking when they first met. The new opportunity Veldir had given her made her all the more happy. [color=blue]"Saxan!"[/color] Called Blue excitedly, her pace quick so to catch up with her superior. Not that she really acknowledged him as such often, anyway. [color=blue]"This is a surprise! It would appear we have been guided together once more."[/color] However, it was only after she had made her announcement that she realised how bad her timing was. A priestess apparently about to burst into tears, and another rather upset-looking nobleman. It made her shrink. [color=blue]"U-uhh... Am I interrupting something?"[/color] She whispered, the sense of awkwardness having made her meek. [hr] [@Claw2k11]