[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Please remember to update your locations in your header with roads and such. (I will update general maps when you all are done and off your current one. Let me know when you are at the edge! If you do not tag me in chat I will not bother giving you a new updated map >.>) [hider=Attack on Eden - 4/11/18 Update] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/if2oBc/Edenupclose.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Hordebuster 4/11/18 Update] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/m1VmxH/Hordebuster.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=Silver]Eden[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/eBiCJS/toodles.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=white]Location:[/color][/b] Eden: [color=0072bc]22[/color], [color=598527]Tank on Right Fork Of Road Between 21 and Main Eden Building[/color], [color=f26522]Behind the Tank[/color] [b][color=white]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Survival[/color], [color=598527]Tank Operations, Land Navigation[/color], [color=f26522]Hunting, Rifle, Sniper Rifle[/color][/center][hr] [color=598527]"Okay, kill fuckers, grab a bite to eat, find clubs, play wack a mole with deadies, then get our nails done. Sounds like an aces good girl day,"[/color] Lola laughed as he slowly drove the tank forward. It might have sounded off to some a few years ago but in this day and age it actually didn't sound near as insane as it might have before the outbreak. The sad fact of the matter was that with Lola it wouldn't have sounded insane at all even five years ago. Okay, maybe the nails would have but shit in this day and age a girl needed to do the little things. Makes that whole survival thing worth while. Now while some might think playing mini gold with walkers was a good time with the girls, Thana did not. She preferred to stay focused on the matter at hand and even if they were done taking care of Eden she would have wanted to book it out of there and see if she could find Ash and whomever might have survived whatever the hell had happened in Newnan. As far as things were going now she had no idea if anyone had survived. She didn't know what would have been more tragic, the newly wed couple surviving or dying in all of that. Would have been a high note to go out on but then again wasn't life a high note in and of itself? Gavin was right down the middle on the subject. He wouldn't have mind taking the back nine and having a cold brew in his hand while he played batter up clean up with the eaters. That is if Thana was fine and good when all of this was over. Then again if she wasn't and she ended up being one of the ones to bite the dust in the middle of all of this, his shit storm might just be beginning instead of climbing out of the darkness that was his mind right then, and it was a very bleak place indeed. Coming up to a fork in the road again Lola peered out and turned the tank. She could see a rather large building not too terribly far from them. It had been the largest one she had seen since they got on the grounds and from the looks of it, it had to be the lace they were aiming for. Especially since there were some still standing around it and looking like they were going to actually try to guard it. It was the back side of a building but hey what better place to put a very large caliber shot? It would be a bullet of health in her book. [color=598527]"Oh get ready Yank, should be able to take a shot soon,"[/color] she cackled. Nodding towards Thalia, Thana couched down low and checked her weapon real fast. [color=0072bc]"Alright, I'll cover you,"[/color] she said but before she started to take a step she glanced over at Alexander and quirked a brow. The man hadn't said anything in a bit that she was aware of. [color=0072bc]"If you aren't ready for this, hold tight here and be a middle point,"[/color] she said in suggestion before taking off behind Thalia and keeping a few yards back just in case. She wanted to watch her back not be so close to it that she couldn't see something coming right up on it. Gavin took down two more with his rifle and lowered his weapon. Wiping his brow with the back of his arm and pushing his curls out of his face, making sure to adjust his hat so they were actually held back now. He probably should have done that sooner but better late than never in his mind. That was unless it was to his or Thanas funeral. Better never in his mind on that matter. Running his tongue along his lips he pulled his rifle back up and looked through the scope. Seemed they were getting closer to the building. That was good. It wasn't as if he minded using the rifle with part of them wanted to get right up on these people and make this a person look them in the eyes moment.