[quote=@Valorous] Ipeyr; god of getting the ladies. Definite improvement. [sub][i]But I really should start working on my post. It was nice speaking with you, and a veteran to the series that. Fading in 3..2..1[/i][/sub] [/quote] He faded out of existence....rad. [quote=@Kho] Oh I see how it is. I see how it is. Seihdhara marries a couple of grizzlies and suddenly everyone's running for Aelia. Well you know what? AeliaxSeihdhara is obviously the bestest pairing. They came into the world crying. Both are stronk warriors. [s][sub]edit: we're renaming this RP into 'Seihdhara's Harem'[/sub][/s] [/quote] Seihdhara would be the man of the relationship.