[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] "Only a few today," the paladin responded, straightening from her task. Hm, it didn't seem like she was going to be able to wash any more off with just water... burn it? She could only do candle flames, but her armour would endure that fine and the blood would burn off sooner or later... that would be entirely too time consuming. Maybe she should ask for directions to somewhere more appropriate to do this; with some peace and a wire brush she could stop it getting all glued together easily enough. Why did trolls have to go and bleed so much? It was inconvenient; she needed to get back to the captain soon. "They die as easily as anything else if you have a sharp enough blade." [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] This whole scenario was proving to be another black mark on the knights' current state of organisation... though in fairness, the blame for this had nothing to do with its original founders or even its deviation from the church over time. Why, of all things, did they still not have normal mages amongst their number? Even if not formally part of the order, it could hardly hurt to have more focused spellcasters for situations exactly such as this... instead, they had battlemages and, throughout the past, the odd healer. It would have to be brought up when they got back to Aimlenn; whether that was successful or to seek more assistance for the Earl. It would be unfathomable to leave the order's ability to contend with curses up to the whims of those who wanted to mix their swordplay with magic or vice versa.