[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180411/a59bf2026efaff582b9d648163658a8f.png[/img] [img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/39f7f114a9810f8a54001419ec6ee829/tumblr_inline_nl8wmr8Uf11rifr4k.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180411/a318c7a3321461d143d054b3b27bf23e.png[/img] [sub][color=slategray]Featuring: [color=f1cbff]Cassandra “Liar Liar, Pants on Fire” Clark[/color] Location: Cassie’s House -> On the way to Ophelia’s Interacting With: [color=eda946]Ophelia[/color][/color][/sub][/center][hr][hr] [indent][color=f1cbff][b]“You’re a liar,”[/b][/color] Cassie said to her reflection, as she stood, alone, in her bedroom, wearing only a bra and panties, her chestnut locks falling in loose curls down her back. The worst part about that statement? It was true. A cruel bit of irony. See, plenty of teenage girls stood in front of their mirror and hurled insults at themselves. And they were all wrong. But Cassie was right. She was a liar. She lied to her friends, she lied to her mom, she wasn’t sure she’d told the truth in years. Lying on her bed was her phone, open to Lia’s text. Her and Lia had been carrying on...something, for sometime now. Their no strings attached relationship had been beneficial, to the both of them. Except, Cassie had no clue what she was doing. Was she just going to keep fooling around with Lia for the rest of high school? Or until one of them got into a relationship? More likely until Ophelia found out that Cassie was a giant, lying, skanky bitch. Cassie sighed, and turned away from her reflection, walking over to the t-shirt and jeans she’d left draped over her desk chair. She slipped into the casual outfit, and flopped down on her bed, letting the air rush out of her as she looked up at her ceiling. She’d go over to Lia’s house to get ready with her and Kit, and then they’d all head over to the boat. She’d told her mom she was going to Ophelia’s to study and have a girls night. Another lie. Back in freshman year, Cassie’s mom used to ask why her friends never came over to their house. Cassie would explain it away, bullshit about how far it was for them, or how Ophie’s house was just where they liked to hang out. Not that, Cassie was lying about her family to everyone, and she couldn’t let them find out. She hoped her mom didn’t think Cassie was ashamed of her. That was the furthest thing from the truth. Cassie loved her mom more than anything. But, if that was true, why did she hide her from her friends? Why did she lie about who she was? Cassie sighed, once more, and got off the bed. These were difficult questions, for another day. Downstairs, in the living room, Isabella Clark was napping silently on the couch, still in her uniform from her shift at the hospital. Cassandra tiptoed down the stairs and looked over at her, smiled softly at the woman who’d raised her, and made a silent promise to be better, before quietly slipping out the door, and into the awaiting Uber, a backpack slung over her shoulder with everything she’d need for the night’s events. [color=f1cbff][i]And away we go.[/i][/color] [quote][b]To: [color=eda946]Ophie[/color] [color=f1cbff]omw[/color][/b][/quote][/indent]