[hider=STEF] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/n6LWjlM.png?1[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/qdTak1W.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/6iI8QzZ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/qdTak1W.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/N9fXsaI.png[/img] [/CENTER] π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—Ÿ π—‘π—”π— π—˜ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [indent]Stefani Roche [sub]Previously Margot Whitewood[/sub][/indent] π—”π—šπ—˜ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]16Β½ (17Β½)[/INDENT] π—”π—£π—£π—˜π—”π—₯π—”π—‘π—–π—˜ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [list] [*] In an attempt to mask the smell of cigarettes often clinging to her clothes, Stef will wear a sweet, fruity perfume most of the time. Those supernatural entities with sharp noses will not be fooled, though the parfum is a pleasant one to smell. [*] Her taste in clothes have always been very feminine, enjoying dresses, skirts, and bright or pastel colours. While she won't allow her current condition to turn her into a stereotype, Stef does wear more dark colours these days in order not to stand out too much. [*] With vampirism halting any further development of her body, Stef has taken to dressing more maturely to counteract her short stature and baby face. Make-up, less childish clothing and heeled shoes are common items of clothing for her. [/list] [/INDENT] π—’π—–π—–π—¨π—£π—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Stef is currently being paid under the table by Nicodem for work at The Slye Fox. Whether it's washing dishes, cleaning workstations or helping prep food, Stef is kept out of the way in the kitchen, and she appreciates it that way.[/INDENT] π—™π—”π—–π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] After meeting Nicodem, Stef gained entry into The Collective. She understands the membership is more out of pity and learning control than anything else, but she's not complaining. Stef will take all the help she can get.[/INDENT] π—£π—˜π—₯π—¦π—’π—‘π—”π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—¬ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Despite the many changes that have undergone Stef's body and mind, she was very pleased to discover that some things stayed the same. For one, her natural [color=#3379b9][b]creativity[/b][/color]. With a wild imagination and tendency to day-dream, Stef works out her creative mind by way of art. Having always been a budding artist from the day she could hold and scribble with crayons, she spends whatever spare change she has (after household and clothes) on art supplies. Although she's more practised in watercolours than anything else, she's a fan of the bold, vibrant colours often found in chalk, oil pastels and oil paints. Painting has always been a nice distraction for her, though these days it's more necessary than usual. Nightmares of the attack and her own monstrous acts often plague her sleep, and so she often looking to her sketchpad or easel in an attempt to distract herself from thinking about it. However it leaves her tired, and with an already hot temper, she tends to be [color=#3379b9][b]irritable[/b][/color] throughout the day, snapping at people when they bother her. Other days, she'll just be [color=#3379b9][b]quiet[/b][/color], too anxious or just too exhausted to speak to many people. Despite this, Stef does have good days where she'll be pleasant to speak to, and her [color=#3379b9][b]childishness[/b][/color] begins to show. Amongst her need to both look older and seem more adult, Stef attempts to act mature at most times in her day-to-day activities. However, her natural childish [color=#3379b9][b]playfulness[/b][/color] always seems to shine through via immature pranks and jokes, giggling scandalously at indecent or black humour, and revelling in the most teenage behaviour of breaking the rules of society, having the occasional temper tantrum, and holing up in one of her hiding places to avoid others and making sure nobody sees her [color=#3379b9][b]vulnerability[/b][/color].[/INDENT] π—›π—œπ—¦π—§π—’π—₯𝗬 [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] The life of Stefani - or Margot, as she was known - was quite unassuming up until her transition into vampirehood. Belonging to a modest home in Edgetoun, she didn't really do much to stand out amongst other girls in her neighbourhood. This mundane life suited her just fine, with the most exciting prospects of her life involving travelling to Scotland to spend some quality family time with her Aunt Christiana, Uncle Will, and brood of cousins. Being an only child, it was amazing for her to be thrown into the hectic life of her extended family every summer. Four cousins of varying age and gender made for plenty of entertainment, even in the isolated town they lived in - but the summer of 2018 was more exciting for Margot than usual. Thanks to a generous bonus in her Aunt's wage packet, the entire family was treated to a trip to Europe. While her parents couldn't get the time off, Margot was more than welcome to go along anyway, only happy to both spend more time with her cousins, and of course, get to bask in the sun and ancient wonders of Greece. For the most part, it was a glorious holiday for the family. But as the second week came around, this peace was shattered. Walking down the cramped, darkened streets to get to various destinations never cowed the Whitewood's, even in the darkness of late evening. They believed in safety in numbers, but as they soon found out, even the largest of human company meant nothing against a creature of the night. The attack was over quite quickly, from what Margot could remember. Julianne was the first to be jumped, her shrieks prompting an attempted rescue from her twin, only for Maria to be struck down too. Will and Christiana told the remaining children to scatter while they ran to the aid of their daughters, but Margot didn't make it very far before the screams behind her died out. After a brief flash of pain, Margot died too. It didn't take long after waking up in the dead of night to realise several things in quick succession: One, her family was dead. Their corpses were either strewn across the street with hers, or were missing completely. Two, her attacker had not been human. With the strength and speed required to take down eight people in seconds, they had to have been something otherwordly. Three: Her attacker was a vampire. How did she know this? Because now she was one as well. Tanned skin now pallid and cold, dull teeth now sharp enough to tear flesh like butter, and a whole new world that was once silence now unleashed on all five of her senses. With these realisations, Margot came to a decision. She couldn't go to the authorities, not like this. By dawn's first light she had retreated back to the family hotel room, cleaning herself up and scavenging whatever money she could find. By the next evening, she had made her way to the nearest dock, deciding that a boat would be easier to sneak onto than a plane. She had to get back to London somehow, without avoiding questions. Her parents would understand, and they'd keep her in hiding, for sure. As she stumbled across a lone stowaway, hoping to get to London like her, Margot discovered the news from him. Not all of her family had died. He recounted the story that the three youngest cousins had fled to safety, and Julianne was revived at the scene once police had been notified. However, her Uncle was still dead, and four were classed as missing - her aunt, the two eldest cousins, and Margot. It was wonderful news to hear some of her family had escaped her fate, but she couldn't risk going to the authorities yet, not with what she was. She instead remained with the stowaway, who promised he'd help her get to London as it was her first time "catching a ride", as he called it. Finding a cargo ship bound for Britain, the pair snuck into the cramped lower decks, and began their ten day journey. It seemed like it would be easy, but as the days ticked by, a gnawing hunger grew in Margot's stomach. No amount of food could sate it, and she found herself laying awake at night, trying to ignore the thumping heartbeat of the man who helped her. By day four it became too much to bare. Day ten the cargo ship arrived at it's destination, Margot fleeing the ship before it docked, and leaving behind the torn apart corpse of the stowaway. She had hoped to slip away in the darkness and make her way home, but as she fled through London and neared the familiar boroughs of Edgetoun, she realised she was being followed. Not by humans, but by things like her. Her mind was a mess of panic and fear, and as she found herself blocked off in an alleyway, wondered if now she was truly going to die. When the even scarier Russian guy showed up, she was ready to meet her maker, only for him to tell the other two to scram and actually being nice to her. Before she knew it she'd been given clean clothes, a place to work, an introduction to a collection of vampires who could help her out, and even a comfy sofa for her to sleep on until she got on her own feet by Nicodem. Things definitely back to look up after this chance encounter with the ancient vampire - she met her "guardian angel" Aoife who welcomed her into her home so she didn't have to sofa-surf all the time, and a few months after that she discovered in the news that her parents had adopted the now orphaned cousins in her family and moved away to America for a fresh start. She could begin to shake off the remnants of her old shattered life, and even took up a new name - Stefani - in order to move on. All that's left now is to remake herself, starting with controlling her bloodlust. After that, maybe finding out who exactly did this to her, and what their motives were in murdering a child. [/INDENT] 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗒𝗨π—₯π—œπ—§π—˜ 𝗛𝗔𝗨𝗑𝗧𝗦 [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]The Slye Fox[/b] After Nicodem kindly let her have a job here, Stef spends quite a lot of time working in the kitchens. It's a safe, human-free place for her to relax, keep her mind occupied, and even earn some money to help out at home. She also likes to hang around in the front too, especially at nighttime when there are less humans about. It's kinda fun, being amongst all different kinds of creatures. [b]Edgetoun Museum of Art[/b] When not painting herself, Stef likes to browse other people's art, either to admire and or examine the work to see if they've used an interesting technique that she'd like to try out as well. There are also variants of art styles found at the local museum, and after having spent so much time on landscapes, Stef is looking to branch out and looks for inspiration. [b]Prospect Park[/b] It's generally abandoned, and is a nice place for to walk or run when she has pent up energy or just wants some time to herself without risking the harm of anyone. While she's getting better, slowly but surely, at controlling her bloodlust, sometimes Stef just needs some fresh air without holding herself back around others. [/INDENT] 𝗙π—₯π—œπ—˜π—‘π——π—¦ & π—™π—”π— π—œπ—Ÿπ—¬ [color=#3379b9]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]Mother:[/b] Alicia Whitewood. [b]Father:[/b] Michael Whitewood. [b]Uncle:[/b] William Whitewood. Dead. [b]Aunt:[/b] [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2OmRqMN4-vM/maxresdefault.jpg]Christiana Whitewood[/url]. Missing, presumed dead. [b]Cousins:[/b] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/baileygo22/images/3/31/Tumblr_static_600full-daniel-sharman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140514171926]Caleb Whitewood[/url]: Male. 21. Missing, presumed dead. Julianne Whitewood: Female. 19. Alive. [url=https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Lqm2Qfn9gW13gJ62ahFgeptSZwE=/0x0:1200x1800/1200x800/filters:focal(469x431:661x623)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/57036069/camila_mendes_and_lili_reinhart_for_bongo_jeans_bongo_bff_s_fall_2017_campaign_6.0.jpg]Maria Whitewood[/url]: Female. 19. Missing, presumed dead. Zachary Whitewood: Male. 16. Alive. Leah Whitewood: Female. 14. Alive. Darren Whitewood: Male. 12. Alive. [/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=NICK] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/d13Lr2C.png?1[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/qMI2PbE.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Pa7ZaUv.png[/img][/CENTER] π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—Ÿ π—‘π—”π— π—˜ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [indent]Nicolas Black[/indent] π—”π—šπ—˜ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]39[/INDENT] π—”π—£π—£π—˜π—”π—₯π—”π—‘π—–π—˜ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [list] [*] After his run in with the wolf that turned him, Nick has been left with scars littered over his skin. Long stretches of claw marks in group of twos and threes, on his torso, back, arms and legs, some even stretching up to his neck and visible beneath the collar of his shirts. The most noticeable is the bite mark - several jagged marks surrounding his right forearm. [*] A lifetime of smoking and drinking have left him with a husky, gravelly voice, that sometimes sounds quite hoarse. He figures with the werewolf gene he probably won't get cancer now, so has made no efforts to stop in his nicotine or alcohol addictions. [*] His rough voice is paired with a Scottish accent - strong, but not indecipherable. [*] It's not unusual for him to show up to work unshaven, unshowered, and generally quite messy. He can look good when he puts effort in, but doesn't see much point these days when he can throw on some deodorant and just leave the house. [/list] [/INDENT] π—’π—–π—–π—¨π—£π—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]Detective Inspector with Edgetoun Police.[/INDENT] π—™π—”π—–π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]Nick was only running solo for a few weeks before Zephyrus Accord found him and invited him to join them. He's been running with the pack for a good ten years now, and has risen to the rank of Beta.[/INDENT] π—£π—˜π—₯π—¦π—’π—‘π—”π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—¬ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Before his change, Nick was an easy-going individual. Although still quite irritable, he retained good humour, an active social life, and plenty of positivity about the future. However, post-biting, he became a far darker individual. Nick lost his empathy for many, the small amount he retains goes towards the victims he deals with in his work... and even then, it’s not all that obvious at times. It’s easier for him to block off his emotions and act [color=#f3e981][b]cynically[/b][/color] or callously towards everything, rather than actually risk his feelings by caring too much about someone. Being emotionally [color=#f3e981][b]distant[/b][/color] is easier sometimes, even if it hurts other people's feelings. However, his trust in others hasn't completely dissolved, nor has his hope for the future. Among friends he becomes far more [color=#f3e981][b]warm[/b][/color], and although his humour remains [color=#f3e981][b]dark[/b][/color] and his outlook [color=#f3e981][b]pessimistic[/b][/color], he'll still stand by as a [color=#f3e981][b]loyal[/b][/color] and steadfast friend. Perhaps a side-effect of his pack mentality, but even within the Accord he only fully trusts a scant few. Another side effect of his biting has been that of his temper. He had always been a bit [color=#f3e981][b]short-tempered[/b][/color], but now when he loses it, his animalistic side will make itself known. As far as he knows he's never hurt anyone thanks to his temper or werewolf side yet, but it's a constant worry for the man. Especially when it comes to keeping his condition secret. [/INDENT] π—›π—œπ—¦π—§π—’π—₯𝗬 [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Even when he was just a young lad growing up in Scotland, Nick had been seen as an idealist. Someone who had bright hopes for the future, no matter how ridiculous or fat-fetched it seemed. In the fairly deprived area he grew up in, his family and friends scoffed at the idea of him becoming a copper and turning their neighbourhood around single-handedly. Of course, they were quite correct - he couldn't even find a job in his hometown once graduating University, let alone become their policing champion. Still, he wasn't deterred, instead finding a posting down south in London, close to where he'd studied for his degree. The area was crime ridden, and could use all the help it could get. Edgetoun seemed perfect. So perfect in fact, that he met the love of his life there. Saoirse had lived in Edgetoun just a few years more than he had, and when they met for the first time, it didn't take long for them to start dating. Even more time after that, Nick popped the question and she accepted. His brother said that he was rushing things, but Nick was completely head over heels for the girl. He didn't even question that she vanished once a month either, but of course, this was long before the days of Nick Bloodfang. He has nothing to suspect, not even when she hurriedly plucked him out of work one day for a "surprise holiday". She looked frazzled, as if someone were chasing her, but Nick put it down to nerves over her work or something. He was totally oblivious, just happy to spend a few days at the Cornish beaches with his love. The night after they arrived was a full moon, but Saoirse hadn't been caught unawares. She was a lone wolf, who had bright ideas of forming her own pack one day. Edgetoun was just the worst place possible to do so, with Bisclavret running around. Skipping town with who she intended to be her very first member and Beta wolf. All she had to do was bite him... but she hadn't been a Werewolf for very long herself, and had not learnt how to fully control herself in her wolf form. Nick watched her shift at their modest camp perched atop a cliffside, but didn't get very far before she descended upon him, unable to control the thrill of the hunt running through her veins and barely holding back. Whether she finally got a hold of herself or was scared off by somebody else, Nick didn't know. He just awoke in the nearest hospital some days later, littered in deep claw marks and bites and police searching for "missing" fiance. He had discharged himself earlier than was healthy for him, but the Doctor's couldn't persuade him to remain any longer. Not with Saoirse out there, and the familiar ground of Edgetoun that he would feel so much safer in beckoning. It turns out that this was the entirely right move - it didn't take very long after his very first change under a full moon for a group to approach him. Other Werewolves like himself, only this time, they were a pack. Some could shift whenever they wanted, and others could control themselves in their wolf form. But more than anything, they were good people, hopeful for a cure for the disease that affected them all. The actions of his fiance had shaken Nick's trust in others completely, but seeing no other choice, he accepted their help and joined the Zephyrus Accord. That was ten years ago now, and Nick hasn't really changed all that much. The benefits of being in a pack - especially now, as a Beta - far outweigh the negatives, but the constant skirmishes with Bisclavret are equal parts tiresome as they are frightening. His trust in others is still shaky, barring the few friends he is loyal too, and he's lost the happy-go-lucky idealism that affected him so much as a kid. There's been no sign of Saoirse in the past decade, and he considers her good riddance. For now, Nick does as his Alpha tells him in the pack, and keeps his head down and does his job as a DC; trying to help out "in-the-closet" Supes he may encounter in the line of duty because he knows the desire to remain hidden from humans. Over the years he's learnt how to shift into wolf form without the aid of a full moon, and retain his free-will because of it. Unfortunately, when the moon does come around, it has retained full control over him. Until he learns control, Nick locks himself up in an abandoned hospital a few miles outside of Edgetoun every full moon, ensuring that he isn't around any innocents to harm. [/INDENT] 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗒𝗨π—₯π—œπ—§π—˜ 𝗛𝗔𝗨𝗑𝗧𝗦 [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]Edgetoun Police Station[/b] Even when not clocked in, Nick can often be found in his office here, poring over open cases and doing various errands for the others in the building. It gets the work done, and beats going home alone every night. [b]The Watering Hole[/b] Although known for it's depressing atmosphere, Nick prefers it to the other, more bustling pubs in town. Most of the time his foul mood matches up with the other people drinking there, but he generally keeps himself to himself. [b]Rosemary Heights Sanitorium[/b] A dilapidated and well abandoned building now, Rosemary Heights was once home to many several decades ago during the outbreak of Consumption. Nowadays it is known for being haunted, but the ghosts don't bother Nick, if they're really present. The isolated basements in the abandoned hospital work well to keep him locked up and safe while turning on a Full Moon. He also practices his turning here, and it's where he developed the ability to turn whenever he pleases. Thrill-Seekers and those interested in the macabre may tread here also, hoping to catch a glimpse of the past in it's rotting halls. [/INDENT] 𝗙π—₯π—œπ—˜π—‘π——π—¦ & π—™π—”π— π—œπ—Ÿπ—¬ [color=#f3e981]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Brother: Robert Black Epsilon Friend from Zephyrus Accord: [url=http://www.latimes.com/resizer/rGlkYXI4WFaKVRDshHrcvaBEpxk=/1400x0/www.trbimg.com/img-5a2ee4a9/turbine/la-lb-media-2951729_et_0728_schreiber_mwy_0071-20171211-120346/900]Aidan[/url][/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=THEO] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/yuePrXs.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tuTIxy5.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/J477rzq.png[/img][/CENTER] π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—Ÿ π—‘π—”π— π—˜ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [indent]Theodor "Theo" Minea[/indent] π—”π—šπ—˜ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]35 (1026)[/INDENT] π—”π—£π—£π—˜π—”π—₯π—”π—‘π—–π—˜ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [list] [*]Having always been a firm believer in sophistication, Theo is nearly always dressed tastefully in suit and tie, regardless of how casual the occasion is. [*]After several centuries of learning new languages while travelling the world, Theo has lost his original Romanian-sounding accent. Now it is a hard to place mish-mash of RP, with hints of European and even American influences as he speaks. Regardless of his accent, his tone has a pleasant depth for one to listen to. [*] He is missing part of his right ring finger - everything from the second knuckle up is gone. When people ask how he lost it, he enjoys fabricating a new story every time, each response ranging from possible to utterly ludicrous. To date, his favourite story was telling a young, gullible vampire in the 1800's that he'd lost it fighting hand-to-hand with a bright pink dragon. [/list] [/INDENT] π—’π—–π—–π—¨π—£π—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] As time has gone by, Theo has kept his fingers in many different pies under his self-made company "Master of None". The owner of several small, but lucrative businesses that are founded in Edgetoun, he exports various goods across the country. His most prolific one currently has been the production and selling of wine. Although many of the bulk exports are newly made, he keeps a few "collector editions" for private consumption and sales. While he's outlived all of his wines, some of them have a hefty date on them.[/INDENT] π—™π—”π—–π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]Methuselah Court[/b] Theo wasn't in Britain for very long before he heard the whispers of this group amongst the other Vampires in town. At first he had no intention to join them, after having just relinquished himself from his sire and having a preference to remain Independent. However, as time ticked on, Theo realised that perhaps they were useful - and powerful - allies to have. He approached them at some point in the early 1900's, and once his date of birth was authenticated, was welcomed among their folds. As of now he holds no important position amongst them, but he's also no longer a pawn. It'll be interesting to see which path the Court takes, and Theo wonders if it's a path he'll have to wander from eventually. [/INDENT] π—£π—˜π—₯π—¦π—’π—‘π—”π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—¬ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] As the years ticked by, Theo developed from a fairly common peasant-come-soldier to a rather sophisticated being; one who had learnt from many lessons over the centuries, and intends to apply such knowledge in the present. For one, he has truly learnt the value of the phrase "[color=#12ab5b][b]Patience is a Virtue[/b][/color]". He'd never been patient as a human, but after being stuck at the side of his needy Sire for so very long, Theo has learnt how to wait and bide his time in order to get what he wants. His [color=#12ab5b][b]intelligence[/b][/color] has also grown from when he was human who couldn't even read. While he has amassed plenty of knowledge over the years, his true skill lies in his decision making. Calculating and [color=#12ab5b][b]cunning[/b][/color], Theo knows how to find people's strings in order to pull them at just the right time. While such actions can come under the guise of charm and [color=#12ab5b][b]charisma[/b][/color], more often than not he'll go down the [color=#12ab5b][b]ruthless[/b][/color] route. Intimidation works quicker than wooing. On the other hand, there are certain aspects of his personality that are his downfall. No matter how rational and suave he appears to be, Theo has great problems in trusting others. A very [color=#12ab5b][b]self-serving[/b][/color] individual, he will not give out his allegiance or loyalty very quickly, and is hesitant to offer promises to others. While he may join a cause or group and do their bidding for a time, he has no interest in losing anything because of their actions. He's never found a cause to fight for, even when he still alive. Although he likes to pin his loneliness over the past few centuries on achieving independence from his sire, his self-serving attitude is a far more likely suspect to blame. In addition to this, he is a very [color=#12ab5b][b]unforgiving[/b][/color] person. He is known for holding grudges, despite his better judgement and how that may affect his business or his personal life. If somebody wrongs him, he'll never forget it. [/INDENT] π—›π—œπ—¦π—§π—’π—₯𝗬 [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]Born to Vlach peasants in 994, in the region that would come to be known as Romania, Theodor lived a fairly standard life for the time. Losing several family members to illnesses that are completely curable with modern medicine, and working the fields as a young lad until he was tall and strong enough to be pushed in the army. He never quite developed the glory or pride of fighting for one's country - he simply followed the order of whoever paid his wage along with his fellows and tried not to die. Another man could have usurped his ruler and he would not have known, or cared. All that mattered was survival. And so he did - long enough in fact to marry a woman to bear him children. While he cannot recall now as to whether he loved her or not, there were plenty of fond memories in their modest household. His survival in the army had brought with it ascension through the ranks, which meant he could afford a better house for his growing brood. Unfortunately for Theo, this domestic bliss didn't last forever, and was torn away with his untimely death. Much to his embarrassment, his death and subsequent resurrection as a vampire didn't come with a glorious death on the battlefield, nor even succumbing to injuries after saving his brethren. One night at the local tavern with his fellow soldiers ended in an ugly manner, after he looked the wrong way at the wrong group of men. A fistfight eventually broke out and spilled onto the streets, but rather than each side walking away to lick their wounds, one of Theo's men drew out a dagger and plunged it into the throat of his assailant. From thereon, it was a bloodbath. It was a stupid mistake that cost him the lives of his friends, and would have cost him his as well were it not for the beautiful stranger who appeared that night. Slaughtering his attackers, she fed him her blood and turned him there and then. He may have survived despite his injuries, but it would seem she had taken a liking to the man. Having followed him home from one of his battles, she watched from afar, and waited for the right moment to pluck him for herself. From there he was forced to abandon his family, leaving his wife and children behind out of fear that his sire would grow jealous of his bond with them. Over the centuries he has looked in on his descendants from time to time, pulling them out of stupid scenarios that he himself fell into so long ago, and saving their lives from various accidents. It came to become something of a legend in his family, that a guardian angel watched over them. While he hardly considers himself an angel, he would have no harm come to those of his bloodline. Having left his sire behind somewhere in Spain in the 1700's, Theo has spent the last two centuries reconstituting himself in Britain; building and managing various companies to ensure that he could live comfortably without having too much of his time taken up by his endeavours. Although living a a financially secure lifestyle, Theo is always on the lookout for more. More power, more friends... perhaps even another family. Despite his over-bearing sire finally leaving him alone these past 300 years, he still has yet to formulate close relationships with others. [/INDENT] 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗒𝗨π—₯π—œπ—§π—˜ 𝗛𝗔𝗨𝗑𝗧𝗦 [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]The Slye Fox[/b] There's something charming about the old English pub, alongside those that inhabit it. Theo has always preferred the peace of such places over the constant cacophony found in the clubs that his brethren so often visit. He's not beyond setting foot into such establishments, but finds solace in The Slye Fox whenever it is needed. [b]The Crypt Cafe[/b] Ever since discovering his first taste of coffee in the last 18th century, Theo has developed a craving for the stuff. He has come to enjoy the atmosphere of this particular cafe, and can usually be found here having his morning (or afternoon) espresso with a book or newspaper. [b]Master of None[/b] His business headquarters for the past two centuries, this is usually where Theo manages his company. On the ground floor one can find a public bar; quite high class, and known for hosting lavish parties and wine tastings. It's typically popular amongst vampires, though he'll welcome any creature through his doors, as long as they can afford it. [/INDENT] 𝗙π—₯π—œπ—˜π—‘π——π—¦ & π—™π—”π— π—œπ—Ÿπ—¬ [color=#12ab5b]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]Sire:[/b] Rowena [b]Most Recent Descendent:[/b] Mathias Bouchard [/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=ZOEY] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/2HIS8IJ.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/e2tlk4V.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2pAhrIU.png[/img][/CENTER] π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—Ÿ π—‘π—”π— π—˜ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [indent]Doctor Zoey Alston[/indent] π—”π—šπ—˜ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]32[/INDENT] π—”π—£π—£π—˜π—”π—₯π—”π—‘π—–π—˜ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [list] [*]The first aspects of Zoey's face that pop out before anything else are her ice blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. Her Dad often jokes that the latter were almost as a sharp as her tongue. [*]Eyebags and dark shadows are common for Zoey, who doesn't get as much sleep as she really should. Between her visions, her work, and her own personal demons, she finds it hard to find peace some nights. [*]Thanks to her prone clumsiness, it's not strange to see some form of bruise, cut or sizeable graze on the woman. She's a sport-loving maladroit, but her common injuries will never stop her from getting on the board again. [/list] [/INDENT] π—’π—–π—–π—¨π—£π—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] After several years of hard training, Zoey has been a licensed Forensic Pathologist for the past two and a half years now at Edgetoun's Coroner's Court. In her spare time she makes her own investigations into the bodies that come through her door. She can't explain her visions to the police without receiving a witch hunt, so she follows her psychic leads by herself.[/INDENT] π—™π—”π—–π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT]After the true discovery of her powers at the age of 15, Zoey was taken under the wing of her Aunt who introduced her to the Mutandum Coven. Zoey appreciates the help they give, but tries not to get involved in the witch politics going on. She also has no desire to branch out into other areas of magic, much to the ire of her Aunt.[/INDENT] π—£π—˜π—₯π—¦π—’π—‘π—”π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—¬ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Ever since her power manifested itself all those years ago, Zoey has grown far more compassionate about the world around her. Seeing and feeling those people die and not doing anything to help has taken it's toll on the woman's [color=#9414b3][b]empathy[/b][/color], and is a large part of why she's chosen her career, and does her private investigations on the side. However, some of that can definitely be a direct cause of her [color=#9414b3][b]curiosity[/b][/color], or perhaps even [color=#9414b3][b]nosiness[/b][/color], depending on who you ask. She's always loved a good mystery, and embroiling herself into ones involving the supernatural of Edgetoun is piquing her interest every day. While she's fully aware of the dangers of doing what she does - not just the possibility of perverting the cause of justice in the eyes of police, or even pissing off the wrong Vampire or Demon, but that she could be outed as a supernatural creature herself - Zoey has always been a [color=#9414b3][b]careless[/b][/color] soul. Personal safety isn't always high on her list, and after a lifetime of [color=#9414b3][b]clumsiness[/b][/color] and adventure sports, she isn't about to give up the thrill of the chase now, especially when she relies on her [color=#9414b3][b]sharp[/b][/color] tongue and wit to get her out of trouble so much. Although [color=#9414b3][b]stubborn[/b][/color] as a mule when it comes to herself, she may hold herself back if the safety of others comes into concern. Her [color=#9414b3][b]protective[/b][/color] nature prevents her from harming other people, even by omission. Her patients may be dead, but she still has a Hippocratic Oath to uphold as a Doctor. [/INDENT] π—›π—œπ—¦π—§π—’π—₯𝗬 [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] Mr and Mrs Alston knew that their daughter was quite strange ever since she was a toddler. Even before she could talk properly, it was like she knew things would happen. Having temper tantrums on the pavement right before her parents were to cross with her pram, causing them to stop and a car running a red light hurtling right past where they would have been otherwise. Somehow toddling off and reaching a fire alarm in a busy shopping center to pull it and cause an evacuation, only for an investigation to discover a dangerous gas leak. Even something as simple as her pulling a face and knocking a carton of fruit to the floor, for a venomous spider to scuttle away from inside of it and be shooed out of the house by her mother and a broom. Little things, but when all added up, very strange. However, her parents didn't know what to make of it, and simply chose to accept each occasion as it came. Even as they readied themselves to move homes from Australia to Britain for work, they eyed her daily, wondering if the then 10 year old girl would suddenly have a premonition of a downed flight or destruction of London. Nothing came, and so they made their move, taking their children with them quite happily, and never truly talking about these occurrences with their daughter. Still, it wasn't as if she hadn't eventually noticed herself. Zoey had always been aware of her strange predictions coming true, but had never chalked it up to anything serious. They were odd little subconscious feelings, things she couldn't control or define beyond her gut telling her something. It was a strange little party trick of hers that she quite liked... until her first true vision, that is - and it wasn't a pleasant experience. A splitting headache paired with flitting, unclear images that seemed to last forever. By the time it was over she was pale and shaking, head still pounding away, and she had no idea what had really happened. The rational side of her explained it away as a migraine, brought on by the stress of GCSE exams. But she couldn't shake the images she had witnessed, nor the excruciating pain that had come with it. Her best friend Darrell - walking the seemingly quiet streets at night only for her to be hit by a car, thrown several feet before coming to a dead stop on the tarmac. But it was just a dream, and not wanting to freak her friend out, Zoey tried to forget about it, not contacting Darrell. The next morning, she had almost forgotten about her vision, until her pale-faced mother broke the news as gently as possible: Darrell had died last night, after being a victim of a hit and run accident. Zoey was dumbstruck, but anyone around her simply explained it away with grief. But she had felt the pain Darrell had felt with her vision; the impact of the car, her head cracking against the windshield and the absolute terror of the whole incident before hitting the ground with a crunch and the world turning black. Zoey had both seen and felt Darrell's death, but didn't do a thing to stop it, even though she could have with a simple phone call. From there, a deep guilt set in her heart, blaming herself for not having done something for poor Darrell. The only thing she could do was go to a payphone and put in an anonymous call to the police, giving them the type and number-plate of the car that had committed the offence, as the image was burned into her mind. The police caught the guy, and he was sent away for a long time - but Zoey decided that next time she had a vision, she wouldn't be so inactive. To her surprise, a family member would make things a lot easier for her in terms of her visions. Her Mother's Sister, Aunt Helena, came to visit one day when the rest of Zoey's family was out. It turned out that this was no accident - Helena somehow knew of Zoey's visions, and was there to explain to her the family history. Lots of witches and magic, sometimes skips a generation, you've got great power and potential, blah blah blah. Although she was generally a sceptical person, Zoey hadn't been able to explain her visions. Nor could explain her Aunt's demonstration of magic powers in the living room when she set the sofa on fire, only for it to disappear and be good as new afterwards. It was here that Zoey was first introduced to the Mutandum Coven, in order to better understand and control her visions. However, this part of her life wasn't about to stop her from doing what she truly wanted to do in order to help others. At first, she had hoped to be a Doctor for the living. One who could save lives on the operating table, and make up for the lives lost in her past. But she quickly discovered that there were some people who just couldn't be saved, no matter how hard the Doctor worked. The dead would pile up in her mind, so she turned to a profession where the dead couldn't weigh on her guilty conscience. Not when they came to her as a cadaver, and not as a patient. While still studying her preliminary degree in medicine, she made a beeline for Forensic Pathology as early as she could. Although those who died in her presence as a resident still hurt, she knew she had something to look forward to. Saving lives retroactively, by investigating corpses and ensuring that whatever killed them didn't do it again. As she came to quickly realise upon the very first touch of a dead body, the visions that had plagued her for so long could aid her in this job. Accidentally brushing her bare wrist against the cold skin of a recently deceased patient, she experienced yet another vision. In a room full of Doctors and nurses, she blamed her collapse on hypotension in order to keep them satisfied - but she had seen something. Not the future, but the patient's past. Only glimpses, but she realised that if she could see their last moments, then she could solve crimes even if the police couldn't in the future. Since then, that has been Zoey's main goal. Acquiring a fellowship and then acing the board exam of Pathology, she was now able to get a job as a fully practising Forensic Pathologist. Of course, this meant working under those who would do the actual autopsies for a while before she even got close to doing the work herself, but she could still sneak touches of their flesh to help find what ailed them. Sometimes it was suicide, sometimes just a mysterious death caused by a strange illness. But there were murders too, some of them not even human ones. Now the lead Doctor at Edgetoun Coroner's Court, Zoey undertakes investigations from the police, alongside private inquiries in regards to life insurance claims, families refusing to believe their loved died from whatever was first ruled, and those few mysterious "animal mauling" victims that never quite recovered. Bodies ripped apart, drained of blood, or simply just dying for absolutely no medical reason... Zoey knew about the world of the supernatural long before Nick Bloodfang, and it's never stopped her in her need to help her "patients". [/INDENT] 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗒𝗨π—₯π—œπ—§π—˜ 𝗛𝗔𝗨𝗑𝗧𝗦 [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]Edgetoun Coroner's Court[/b] While the nearby hospital has a licensed autopsy room for interest autopsies, those suspicious deaths involving the CPS have to be located elsewhere. This is where Zoey has her bodies transported for her to probe, aiming to find cause of death and other forensic evidence for police investigations. She and her co-workers call it "The Cutting Room" when speaking unprofessionally. [b]Ace of Spades[/b] When chasing down a lead on one of her investigations, Zoey often finds herself here. Either to connect the dots to another place, or to find an individual inside willing to give her tips of information. She understands her busy-body nature might get her into trouble at such a Vampire-heavy place, but despite her better judgement, she enjoys the atmosphere and drinks here. [b]Edgetoun University[/b] After having studied for her MD here, Zoey often comes back to chat with old Professors, visit the library, or even give talks to medical students about Forensic Pathology to see if they'd be interested in going down that avenue. She's recently been thinking about pursuing a Professorship, though she has a while before she get far enough to achieve that. [/INDENT] 𝗙π—₯π—œπ—˜π—‘π——π—¦ & π—™π—”π— π—œπ—Ÿπ—¬ [color=#9414b3]β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”β–”[/color] [INDENT] [b]Mother:[/b] Cassandra Kitchener [b]Father:[/b] Henry Alston [b]Brother:[/b] Joel Alston [b]Aunt:[/b] [url=http://cdn-img.instyle.com/sites/default/files/styles/original/public/1501153875/072717-cate-blanchett-thor.jpg?itok=65MKmaym]Helena Kitchener[/url] [b]Lead Pathologist & Mentor:[/b] [url=https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/130/590x/secondary/Am-662423.jpg]Professor Jaime Carlisle[/url][/INDENT] [/hider]