Still reading through all the posts, won't be able to write anything until I'm back from class in like twelve hours or so. [quote=@Valorous] 1 Might- Created Species/Life [/quote] ...what species was this exactly? [quote=@darkwolf687] [hider] And so Orfai gave unto them the spoken word and their first language, Argunvar, and from that they derived a name for themselves; the Faliargun. It was a primitive tongue, but a base on which they could build and one that Orfai was sure in time would fracture into many dozens of languages far flung from each other. He taught them runes, and the method with which to carve them into bone and rock, that they might have writing and preserve their knowledge. Then, to them he gave instruction to go forth and be fruitful, to reproduce and spread and to explore the world they had been gifted... [hr] 3- Give the Faliargun their language, Argunvar 4- Gave the Faliargun knowledge of the written word [/hider] [/quote] I know I haven't really mentioned pacing much yet, but at the moment it is very, very early for the development of society, especially given that we have a civilisation-god of speech who probably wants a chance to do his thing. A few notes here. [b]Like in any other roleplay, time is a factor. Even if you spend Might to a goal, your creations [i]will take time.[/i] Major changes like speech, city-building, terrain changing, and cultural revolutions may take generations. The gods have existed for a few hours at most. Once we're at the point where we can consider working with mortal societies, many creations involving them will also require your god to interact with that society. What are the people like? What do they do, what do they believe, how do they survive, how do they relax? What does your god say to them and how are they received? Even with short posts, this is important material that shouldn't be overlooked. Additionally, [i]level one gods struggle to do things en masse.[/i] At the moment time is a more important factor for you all than Might. I'll try to start setting up a timeline for you all.[/b] Even with quicker and lighter posting, we'll hopefully be playing this game for some time. There's plenty of room to relax and take a while to play with the other characters before we start with massive creations, and there's no need to spend Might every post. In the light of this, and at Cyclone's request, I'd prefer if you edited your post to make only a small number of Faliargun (<10), and either declare Orfai's intention to give them speech or leave it limited. Leave writing until a little later. Or, go ask Promus to do something about it! There's a reason we have other characters, after all. GODS CAN TALK TO ONE ANOTHER, GUYS, INTRODUCE YOURSELVES BEFORE THE MOTHER HAS TO MAKE YOU PLAY ICEBREAKERS