[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180401/6ae4b17fa5efdaf81a00edc1f142dca0.png [/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/3794c5e003ab0550f5c3898c72f8d8898579d209/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f524641643569623567784b4744413d3d2d3434303633353635302e313464313435656263393563373639663139373033393432373836362e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [color=#513857][b][u]Location:[/u][/b][/color] ► Elliot's crappy apartment - Java Cafe◄ [color=#513857][b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][/color] ►Ali [@Dirty Pretty Lies] Eva[@Altered Tundra] Zeke[@Prosaic] Horton Siblings [@SpicyMeatball][@Hero]◄[/center][hr][hr] The last box had finally been carried up the stairs in to his new, small and shitty apartment. Elliot closed the door and sank to the floor, he looked around at the one room he had afforded to rent in town. The location wasn't that bad, not far from his parents and siblings, but the inside left a lot to be desired. But it didn't really matter how shitty the apartment was to Elliot, at least it was something he could call his own. He didn't have to share it with his brothers or hide his stuff from the prying eyes of his little sister. There was one person he wanted to share this space with though, his girlfriend of 4 years Ali Brady. Unfortunately the apartment can barely fit Elliot and her father would never allow her to live like this. Besides Elliot wants Ali to have a better start to their life together. As he sat there staring around at the boxes he would have to unpack, but his eyes fell on a box full of decorations. [color=#513857]“God damn it...”[/color] Elliot sighed, he had forgotten that his dad had ask him to bring it over to the house for their 4th of July celebration. He pulled out his phone and called his girlfriend. After a few rings it went to voicemail, she must've left her phone in her locker during her shift. [color=#513857]“Hey babe,just calling to let you know that I just need to swing by mom and dads before I come pick you up, I might stop and get coffee to so call me when your shift is over, ok bye! I love you.”[/color] He pocketed his phone and and pushed himself of the floor with a groan. He staggered down the stairs of his apartment building, his body still sore from all of the lifting. He unlocked his car and made his way over to the Java Cafe, it was a short drive and soon he was parking in front of the coffee shop. He jumped out of his car and turned to lock it remotely but it didn't work, so he kept pressing the button whilst walking backwards. Suddenly he felt his butt collide with one of the tables that stood outside, he screwed his face up as he heard a mug fall to the ground. Elliot slowly turned around to face his victim. It was a blond girl Elliot recognized as Evangeline Zima [color=#513857]“I am so so so sorry! I will buy you a new one did you get any on you?! Oh shit I'm sorry I really need to stop walking backwards!”[/color] He smiled apologetically and ran a hand through his hair becoming increasingly more flustered. [color=#513857]“Ehm... what where you drinking?”[/color] Elliot rushed in to the shop to get their order, luckily the coffee shop was quite empty and the guy behind the counter was a friendly face, Ali's brother Zeke. [color=#513857]“Hey buddy, could you do me a solid and make another order for the blond girl who just got her coffee?! I'll owe you one!”[/color] He shot him a smile and a wink. As he was waiting for their order his phone buzzed, he rolled his eyes as he read his siblings rantings, [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cGnA7hl.png[/img][/center]