I'm trying to consider how I'd qualify how many weapons were on this specific character. In roleplays with more action/combat stuff, i've had all kinds, from characters who wielded a small number of weapons or were forced to use a single weapon (which is interesting in it's own right, as you have to consider how they'd strategize in situations where a single sword has a bad match-up) and I've had one particular character who was a jack of all trades fighter. I believe he had 7 weapons all at once, but he was a special case; Bloodborne had just been released and I was interested in how "trick weapons" worked. He had a hatchet which could become a halberd for instance when he attached it to a spear. So ultimately he had more "combinations" than an actual arsenal of weapons. I had one character who basically had access to a "hammerspace" of sorts as well, but he only had 5 or 6 weapons he actually used over time. It would be interesting to see a character so kitted out with weapons that they are heavily encumbered at all times, however.