[@Blade17]Knocking Zatanna out is fine. She was really just there as a possible way to end your rampage. I would have only had her pull the ghost out of him if you okayed it, but thought that maybe she could exhaust it (and possibly herself in the process). Would giving him a villain to kill calm him at this point? If so, I may have Grodd wake up and attack him in anger. The heroes wouldn't like the fact that you killed him, but they'd still try to help you. Or I could have Orion show up with a Motherbox to teleport Ghostrider to the Blood Ocean and end the rage the ring is causing. Orion and Starfire could drag you there. Or Supergirl could haul you into orbit where the vacuum would put out your flames and hopefully make the ghost go dormant as the ring kept you alive. Or, if you could think of another way to calm him down, I could do that.