(Even if this the last post I am at least gonna give it a shot.) As they were attacked by the digivolved form of Deepmon and wiped out KK looks up noticing everybody around. Realizing they will never be able to win if they don't come together he looks at Yukarumon and says. "We gotta do this right." Yukarumon nods his head and stands up. KK's digivice lights up. "Time to digivolve!" He said as Yukarumon's data reconfigures. "Yukarumon digivolve to. Supiromon!" Supiromon shines brightly, his form levitating, his body blue green in color with a red and silver cape attached to his neck. "You take care of that digimon. I am gonna round up the rest of the digidestined. We gotta get them on the same page." KK said moving around the area, hoping it wasn't too late to bring everybody together.