The Khrysopos' day started like any other. Her guardian and companion, Cleyobanthal, (she liked to call him Cleyo for short) had woken before her and could be seen already reading in his usual spot by the bedroom's main window seat. The cervitaur groaned and stretched, noting how the empty spot beside her on the bed was now cold. "Good morning" Cleyo called out whilst turning a page in his old book. He didn't turn around to look at her but he did flick an ear back in her direction, causing an earring to jingle lightly. "Is it really?" Auium inquired playfully. Cleyo paused and straightened his posture, then looked out the window. "I think yes. Today's going to be the first rain of the year." That caught her attention. Auium sat up. "Really?" That earned her a confirming hum in response. "What makes you say that?" "There's a breeze. Plus the birds have stopped singing." "Where's Kery?" Another nickname, for her other guardian although this one's intended secondary purpose revolved more around keeping her contained than happy. "Your dog is sniffing about. She suspect's today was going to be unlucky and couldn't sit still. I am under the impression she will not be returning soon." "You know she doesn't like being called that." The other guardian had made her complaints quite clear but Cleyo never seemed to care. He didn't respond. So that was how her morning began; waiting in anticipation for both her friend and the storms. Auium dined on a light breakfast and then went to read alongside Cleyo in the garden. Later on they romped a bit, played some chess, she taught herself a lesson in the art of penmanship, they filled their bellies with a warm lunch, another reading session, and then she went to go lie down for a quick nap. Boring couldn't even begin to describe her daily struggle. Some days were better than others but there were only so many things one could do when prohibited from leaving the property. She would have asked to go for a walk but knew she would be denied as long as Kerebos was out. But by nightfall when the rains finally arrived it certainly lifted her spirits. Auium loved the rain. The structure's thick walls did well to protect against the cold outside but Cleyobanthal had decided to light the fireplace anyway and laid on the fur rug before it. Kerebos still hadn't returned and although neither Cleyo nor his ward were particularly worried they waited up anyway. Auium curled around her companion and settled down comfortably to watch the fire. The crackling logs and rumbling thunder made for a very nice background.