[center]~|Strike Team Base, Day 3 ATC, 9th hour|~[/center] [center]~|Fa-Val-Kuul|~[/center] Master Fa-Val-Kuul gave a nod in agreement to Astera. “Indeed. The troopers themselves are not the problem; it is the Sith as a whole. Based on what we observed while we were there, it is quite a small outpost. Astera and I only saw two troopers. It is possible that there are more, but the size of that outpost would not be able to support many more than that. Simply killing them would be trivial for a force of our size and experience. However, we must ensure that the Sith [i]stay[/i] gone from the area after we remove them.” Fa, of course, had her own ideas for how they could deal with the outpost, but she was not generally one to make important decisions without conferring with her team, which now, for better or worse, included these Jedi. She was not sure of their capabilities or weaknesses, but she reasoned that she could get some insight into their tendencies by what kind of approach they recommended. For that reason, she decided to allow the others to give their suggestions first. “Our only real goal is to make sure the Sith are gone and do not return to this area. The outpost has just a single building in a tree, hexagonal in shape, with a small fence in a clearing surrounding it. We happened to witness a small creature run into the fence during our observation, and it stunned the creature. Nonlethally. I would also point out that we opted to remain cautious with our scouting, so we might learn more with more focused observation. Do you or your Jedi have any ideas, Master Gar?”